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Authors Note: Years later now they are all grown up, Thor is the oldest and will be crowned king, Loki is second and  a year younger and Amara is two years younger then Loki.

Amara's POV
I watch as Thor chugs down another glass of wine throwing the cup into the fire, as he approaches me and Loki walk up to him into view, Loki asks "Nervous Brother?" Thor laughs at this then responds with a grin, "Now have you ever known me to be nervous" Loki answers, "Well there was that time in Nornheim."
Thor- "That was not nerves brother, That was the rage of battle"
Loki-"Ahh I see" he says in a low voice
Thor-" How else could I have fought my way through hundred warriors and pulled us out alive"
Amara-"Well as I recall I was the one who blinded them with my powers so we could escape"
They all laugh as a servant comes in with a tray of wine, Loki uses his magic to turn the wine into a bunch of snakes, as soon as he sees them the server drops the tray and shrieks (very loud)
"Oh what a waste of perfectly good wine" Thor complains, "Just some fun right my friend?" Loki asks the servant as he makes the snakes disappear, then the servant shakes his head nervously then grabs the tray and walks away.
Theirs this moment of silence as Thor takes off his helmet and takes a deep breath for the days events.
Loki and Amara-"Oh, Nice feathers" we both say in a chuckle
Thor- "You don't really want to start this again do you cow?" He tells Loki, as I look down holding in a laugh, "and what have you to say?" Thor says looking at me, "What do you mean I'm a fierce phoenix" I say showing off my winged armor and sword.
Loki- "I have looked forward to this day as long as you have, sometimes I'm envious but your my brother and friend, never doubt I love you"
Amara- " As do I, Asgard is lucky to have you as their king and I don't doubt for a second you will lead with greatness"
Thor-"Thank you Sister, Brother.... Now you go on ahead"
Amara- "Are you sure?"
Thor-"Yes I'll be fine thank you"
We walk out i glimpse back at Thor and do our secode for I love you, I snap once as I move my hand in a circle motion around my face and with an open hand and palm up to the sky wave it to the right. Then leave.

Thors POV
I walk further down the hall and spot my mother who says, "It's alright to be nervous" I respond, "Why does everyone keep saying that. I am not nervous"
Frigga- "You may be able to fool the rest of Asgard.."
Thor-"Yes, but never you, I know"
Frigga-" Thor just remember you have something even the great Allfather never had"
Thor-"And what's that."
Frigga-"Me for a mother.... Now don't keep your father waiting" she says and walks away.
I take a deep breath and follow.


As I walk past the lines of Royal Guards I stick up my hammer and the crowd roars even louder. I then continue on winking to my family as I kneel down in front of my Father, whom sits on his throne. Then the crowds go silent when he stands and bashes down his spear on the ground making a loud thudding noise, then continuing saying;
Video is what happens

Loki's POV
After the attack me, Thor and Amara followed father to the weapons vault, the first thing I see is the bodies of the Jotuns who tried to break in and a dead guard. Then I look over to see the anger on Thors face and blank expression on Amara's face.
Thor-"The Jotuns must pay for what they've done"
Odin-"They have paid with there lives. The destroyer did its work, the Casket is safe and all is well."
Thor-"All is well?"
Me and Amara look at Thor shaking our heads trying to stop him from making things worse and of course he ignores us.
Thor-"They broke into the weapons vault! If the frost giants had stolen even one of these relics..."
Odin-"They didn't"
Thor-"Well I want to know why!"
Odin-"I have a truce with Laufey King of the Jotuns."
Thor- "He just broke your truce. They know you are vulnerable."
Odin-"What action would you take."
Thor-"March into Jotunhiem as you once did. Teach them a lesson. Brake their spirits so that they'll never dare cross our borders again."
Odin-"Your thinking only as a warrior."
Thor-"This was an act of war!"
Odin-" This is the action of but a few who were doomed to fail."
Amara- "I'm sorry but I agree with father if we wage war over every death there will be no end to war. I also agree with you brother they got in, so we will strengthen our defenses and I'll personally look over how they managed to get in." Amara bravely spoke up trying to calm Thor and Father knowing they share the same warriors mind.

•Thanks for reading also this is Amara's natural hair;

———————————————————————————•Thanks for reading also this is Amara's natural hair;

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More will come about Amara's past I promise

Hope you enjoyed, thx

Marvel Thor (three siblings, Loki, and Amara)Where stories live. Discover now