Truth Always Comes Out

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-During on Asgard-
Narrator Perspective Pov

Amara walks in to the thrown room to find an empty thrown which suprised her since she new how much he longed to be King and yet he wasn't there to live it.
She checked around and saw three guards standing post.
Amara "Have you seen my brother"
Guard "Not since this morning your highness"
Amara "Any idea where he'd be"
Guard "No"
Amara nodded leaving to go find him.

Wondering around the castle she wondered if he was in his bed chambers. So she headed there. But he wasn't anywhere.

As she entered the room she first saw a beautiful piece of art hanging on the wall it was as tall as her. A place, dark and cold, and the emotions of hurt, sadness, lonely.

As her hand trailed the strokes of the paint brush she had a vision. It... it was Loki he was standing in snow it was cold and he was speaking to someone. The next moment she was there like her mind was there but they didn't see her. It was though she wasn't even there but she wasn't. She turned and saw Laufey.

Loki "and you can return Jotunheim to all its.. Glory"
Laufey "I accept"

And with that she was back on Asgard.
She sat down on a chair and tried to process what that was. Her mind was everywhere.
What... did I could Loki do this... why..."

For the next hour she sat there in utter shock and denial. What was she going to do.

Loki Appears through the Bifrost when Heimdall stands guarding the kingdom.
Loki- "What troubles you gatekeeper"
Heimdall- "I turned my gaze upon you in Jotunheim, could neither see nor hear you. You were shrouded from me like the Frost Giants had when they entered this realm."
Loki- "Maybe you senses have weakened after your many years of service"
Heimdall- "Or perhaps someone has found a way to hide that which it does not wish me to see."
Loki- "You have great power Heimdall, did Odin ever fear you?"
Heimdall- "No"
Loki- "And why is that?"
Heimdall- "because he is my King and I am sworn to Obey him"
Loki- "He was your king and your sworn to obey me now, yes?"
Heimdall- "Yes."
Loki- "Then you will open the Bifrost to noone. Til I have repaired the damage my brother has done."

Back on Midgard (Earth)

Fandral paces back and forth in front of Volstagg irritated-"Our dearest friend vanished, Loki on the throne, Asgard on the brink of war, yet you have managed to consume four wild boar, six pheasant, a side of beef, and two casks of ale. Shame on you. Don't you care?"saying while throwing his plate across the room.
Volstagg- "Do not mistake my appetite for apathy!"reply's while standing up in front of him ready for a fight.
Sif- "Stop it, both of you! Stop" she yells while pulling them apart. "We all know what we have to do."
Hogun- "We must go. We must find Thor."
Fandral- "It's treason."
Volstagg- "To hell with treason it's suicide."
"Even then we still have to try." Amara says whilst entering the room. She walks over to them. "You we're right....about Loki. He is allied with the Frost Giants and Laufey. Now I do not know what they are planning but I know it doesn't side with  Asgard." Looking at Fandral and Volstagg. "Yes it is treason and suicide but did we or did we not swear an oath to protect this realm and the people in it til our dying breath."
"Yes" They all day in unison.
Amara- "Now I know what this is asking of you. To go against your King, but we have a obligation to the people, to Thor, to my father to do this even if it is breaking every single rule later out for us. We have to try"She turns to look at all of them. "Are we in agreement?"
Hogun, Sif, and Fandral all nod.
Except Volstagg, he groans and starts pacing,
Volstagg- "Now shush. Heimdall might we watching."
Then the doors open to show a guard.
Guard- "Heimdall demands your presence."
With that he leaves.
They all look at each other when Volstagg says, "We're Doomed."

Marvel Thor (three siblings, Loki, and Amara)Where stories live. Discover now