Your Absense Brings Chaos

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(Title referring to both Odin and Thor)

Back on earth

Later Jane and Thor drive to Shields camp and Thor breaks in to retrieve his hammer.


Third Person (Narrator) POV

-By this time Amara knows about Loki and him being Laufey's son and everything with it-

Frigga, Loki and Amara all sit around Odin who is in the Odin sleep, Amara lays her head close to there father, and Frigga sits next to her holding Odins hand. Loki sits on the other side of Odin.

Loki-"I never get used to seeing him like this"
Frigga-"He's put it off for so long now, that I fear."
Amara-"How long will it last"
Frigga-"I don't know. This time it's different we were unprepared."
Loki-"So why did he lie"
Frigga-"He kept the truth from you so that you would never feel different. You are our son Loki, and we your family. We mustn't lose hope that your father will return to us. And your brother"
Loki-"What hope is there for Thor"
Frigga-"There is always a purpose to everything your father does"
Amara-"I'm sorry but it is hard for me to see a greater purpose for Thors banishment.....Mother can't you just give the order to bring him back"
Frigga-"My dear it is not that easy, your fathers rule still stands"

Amara let's our a sigh as she also holds her fathers hand, she may be mad at him but she does love her father deeply.

Loki-"If you'll excuse me" he says taking a deep breathe looking at his family whom are lost with the absence of Thor and Odin. Then he makes his way to the leave when the doors open to show Warriors of Asgard yell in unison and bow, after follow an advisor of the king with Odins staff, he walks toward Loki and presents it to him as he kneels and lifts it toward him. Frigga and Amara sit up to watch what is to happen. Loki looks back at his mother.

Frigga-"Thor is banished, you are know the oldest and the line of succession falls to you. Until Odin awakens Asgard is yours."

Loki turns to the advisor and slowly takes the staff and bashes it down like Odin accepting the role as King.


-During this bit Amara isn't in it because she is with her mother and father-

Thanks for reading sorry for the back and forth and how this is like the movie but I am writing this to start the foundation for the character Amara as I will be diving deeper into her story in the future.

Marvel Thor (three siblings, Loki, and Amara)Where stories live. Discover now