Y/n is not like other girls

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Au: Guysss!! I hope you like it so here are some faxxs I'd like you to know about me before we start: 😜

~ I based Y/n off myself so I won't hesitate to block the mweany people

~ The song above is the one I pictured Y/n singing so please listen to it! I love it!

~ I personally LOVE the word Orbs so I'll use it as much as I can

~ I'm from the pacific Ocean so English isn't my first langue and so some words won't make sense. Sworry.

~ My Grandma gave birth to my mum and her twin at five years old and died after getting ran over my a tractor which my Granddad was driving (😜) and both my parents are dead. Yeah...they killed each other when I was 0.1 seconds old. Lol. #Girlboss

~ I really hope you like it Uwu

Y/n knew that she was different from the moment she was born. Most babies cry when they're born but Y/n started bellowing out 'Fight song' in an angelic voice which meant most of the nurses died from the sound of her amazing singing.

After her parents died in a car crash, Y/n and her three siblings were sent to live with their meany Uncle who aboosed them by not giving them an Iphone 12 pro max +

"I'm so sworry," their uncle cried. "I'm so sorry, Y/n, that I can't give you a very very expensive phone that would take me years to buy. I feel like I'm a failure at parenting."

"Aw," Y/n gushed at the sight of her aboosive uncle crying. "Well you are a failure at parenting you fucking bitch! I hope you drown in the sewers! You're a fucking waste of Space and I don't care if you're my fat uncle! Die! I hate youuuuu!!! I hate you so much! If my mummy were alive I would've gotten the damn fucking phone right now but you're such an ugly, poor man!! Your very existence offends humanity!!" Her uncle, Peter, started crying harder when Y/n's 863297346 siblings came into the room.

"What's this?" Liam, the oldest, asked Y/n. Y/n was such a strong, independent woman that she drop-kicked Liam to the floor and made him clean the Trashcans afterwards.

Au: Omg guyss!! I heavily relate to Y/n since my Grandma got ran over my tractor when she was five seconds old and died from my Great-granddad fucking her too hard 🤭

Y/n stared at her near-dead brother with fear in her rainbow golden goddess sparkly twinkle-toes Harry Style's left elbow coloured orbs.

"I hope you understand why I did that," said Y/n like the strong, confident woman she is. Suddenly, there was a knock on their mansion's fifty-fives door.

"Y/n," said her aboosive uncle. "I'm selling you to the local old man who promises to give me money because you're such an ugly child." Y/n started to cry her golden unicorn cotton-candy Draco Malfoy's toenail coloured tears. (Draco's toenails were made of rainbows 🌈)

The 'local old man' came into the ten-story mansion.

"Hello," said Dumbledaddy. "I've come to collect my newest sugar bab- I mean, student." Y/n suddenly didn't feel so murderous.

"Yes," said Uncle Peter as he collected a ward of 3846293657892346 billion pounds from Dumbledaddy 

"Come over here, Y/n," says Dumbledaddy seggysly. OoH. If only Y/n hadn't already started dating Drako, the badboy next door.

Au: Plot Twist! I rweally hope that Draco and Y/n end up together but Dumbledaddy might be a prwoblem. Uwu. Here are some more faxxs about Y/n to end the chapter:

~ Y/n is 2'4 foot tall

~ Y/n goes on Twitter and fakes Anxiety for clout #NotLikeOtherGirls

~ Y/n's uncle is aboosive but turns normal like Y/n at the end of the stwory.

~ Y/n is besties with Moody Margaret and has a sleepover at Peppa Pig's school once a week because she's a baddie. Grrr.

~ Y/n lives in a mansion that has ten stories but her aboosive uncle won't let her get another story because he's aboosive

~ Draco is currently Y/n's boyfriend but he cheats on Y/n with Hermione, Ginny and Luna and finally Harry Potter because why not

Hope to see you guys soon next chapter but it might be delayed because I just got diagnosed with cancer and my dog's bestie's bestie's cousin just died and I'm travelling to America next week whilst I'm having surgery to look like Kim K to attend the funeral 😜

My Chaotic, Quirky Life ✨ (Y/n x Draco book #1)Where stories live. Discover now