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Yet another Psionics story! I can't seem to let Rowan catch a break. Should I show you my picture I drew of her?
Words: 3224

Carmina grit her teeth, the largest lightning ball she's ever attempted forming in her hands, and she kept going. It grew and grew, and her whole body was shaking and sweating at this point. At the first beep from her Psi-Band, she released the electric orb.

It flew forward in an instant, hitting the target that was hundreds of feet away and exploding in a cloud of shocks and zaps. The area near the target was singed, including the grass and air. Nobody would really be able to go over there for a while because of the static aura.

She cheered, "Yes! Guys, I did it! That was my largest yet."

There were resounding claps from her classmates, Ajax leaping forward with Asper on his heels. For the most part, those two needed to be together to perform anything extravagant, since he could manipulate her fire.

"Ready for this, ginger?" He smirked, and then she grinned back.

"As I'll ever be!" She held her hands up, a fireball about the size of a plate formed in the air ten feet away from them, hovering there while crackling and snapping, as fire does.

Ajax stared directly at the ball, a single hand held up as he released a breath, the fireball heating up exponentially.

It changed colors, going from red to yellow, then yellow to white with blue in the center. The temperature kept rising, but the color didn't change after that, and the students took steps back since the heat was making it hard to breathe.

At one point, even standing twenty yards away, the heat was still unbearable, so Rowan stepped in, forming a large ice block as a wall between the heat and the class. It was melting rapidly, so she replenished it as necessary, but the relief was visible on her classmates' faces.

When Ajax could go no further, he signaled to Asper, who released the fireball -- which was verging on becoming plasma (not me finding out fire is a type of plasma) -- from her hold, the ball flying forward at the target Carmina had hit.

The area immediately exploded in a vortex of blue fire, melting everything in a ten foot radius. By the time the fire stopped burning, Ajax was already cooling the area down, showing the literal melted dirt and rocks.

Everyone started clapping and cheering, and Asper and Ajax high-fived, hugging each other as they had broken their record for highest temperature.

"That was incredible! Even Rowan's ice couldn't stop the heat!" Ripley said, grinning a tiny bit as she gave a little punch to Ajax's shoulder.

"Wow, throw me under the bus, why don't you? It's just ice, it wasn't gonna do much." Rowan raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms in the process.

Carmina piped up now, "Well, the good thing is we're all getting stronger. We need to be as prepared as possible for the next time the Onyx League attacks. We nearly died last time."

There was a somber silence as they all remembered the incident with pained expressions. It hadn't ended well, all of them being hospitalized for varying amounts of time.

The sky darkened a shade and Asper broke their silence with a little clap, "Hey, let's head in. It's nearly night and we need to eat!"

There was echoed agreement before they started walking inside, chatter occurring between them about various combos of how to mix their abilities.

Upon entering their dorms, Rowan and Carmina broke off, going to their rooms to change and shower before eating with the others. They were on opposite sides of the building, but both decided to congregate in Rowan's room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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