You Thought

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There she was. Their best fighter, lying on the ground, either dead or unconscious, it didn't matter. There was blood pooling around her head, so it seemed the former was true.

The… thing cackled, it's voice distorted and echoing, "Oh no! Your best fighter is done for! I was expecting more out of you five."

It seemed disappointed, the smoke around it making it seem to be without a form. It didn't help that it actually didn't have a form.

Tirek grit his teeth, grabbing his blade, ready to fight the mystical being himself, but Gynn put her hand on his arm, "We need to think logically."

"How?! Reese is out, how can we possibly beat him?" Tirek whisper-shouted, gesturing to their fallen comrade.

"We.. we can figure this out. She's probably gone, and so will we if we don't make a plan." Gynn shook her head, pain in her eyes as she looked to the bloodied girl. It was weird, seeing her blood. She never got injured in fights. 

Her lilac hair was stained red with her own blood as it pooled around her, the long locks having never had a trimming. Those golden eyes would be forever shut.

Riso had a tremble in her voice, "It's looking at us!"

Tirek turned, his blade still out. He was their best bet now, as wind magic would probably work against a being of smoke.

Gynn needed to stay back, her healing abilities would be best used if she also weren't incapacitated. Riso was generally sheepish, but, get on her bad side, and her fire magic would burn anything.

The most unique of the group, Drake, a literal dragon, albeit an ice one. He was smaller than most dragons, his max size being that of an elephant. The white scales shimmered in the moonlight, and he had his mouth open, ready to blast ice when ready.

"Gynn, find a way over to Reese, and check her. Riso and I will keep this thing busy." Tirek whispered, glancing to the red-head, whose eyes went wide.

"Are you crazy? That thing dealt with Reese no problem, you don't have a chance!" Gynn said frantically, glancing to the fallen girl and the smoke creature.

"Just listen to me! Have Drake help you get over there." Tirek nodded to the dragon, who nodded back.

Gynn shut up then, biting her tongue. Riso acted first, taking a deep breath, "Hey, you big meanie! You're gonna pay for what you did to my sister!"

Riso had matching hair to Reese's, lilac in color, the difference was that Riso kept hers in a twin set of braids, something she'd love to do to Reese, but was denied.

Tirek joined in, "Yeah, you beast! Get over here so we can obliterate you!"

Gynn cringed, knowing the duo would get the monster's attention, but also hating how they went about it.

Drake spread his wings, making a wall, essentially, as Gynn shuffled behind, staying hidden from view. They made their way slowly over to Reese's still body.

The smoke monster laughed again, "I'm not stupid!"

It sent a plume of the smoke toward Drake, who'd anticipated the attack, but he didn't anticipate that it'd have a mind of its own. The smoke went above Drake, aimed directly at Gynn.

The girl opened her mouth to scream, as she knew what the smoke contained; tiny razors of solid air. They were what messed Reese up so badly.

She crouched, her arms above her head, waiting for the impact that never came.

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