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Custom world! I wanted to do alien's :P

The bullets flew, the deafening sound drowning out almost everything. Save for the earpiece in her ear.

Hypatia had been assigned to be a sniper, and, having found her perch, was casually shooting foe after foe with her anti-alien bullets. They wouldn't survive seconds with the deadly toxin in their body.

She stared calmly through the scope, finding her next target, speaking softly, "Target found, taking shot."

She noticed that any human near her target had moved away, knowing what was to happen in a moment. They knew what the toxin did.

Hypatia shot her rifle, the recoil absorbed by the shock absorbers in her gun, and the bullet flew, striking the alien in it's fleshy side.

The purple rippled with green, then black, and then it burst, sending flesh, guts, everything inside the alien spattering everywhere. They didn't have legs, and were more like giant snakes, but they had the color-changing abilities like lizards. Turns out they were extremely vulnerable to anything with sugar. That's the toxin.

Hypatia grinned to herself, hearing muffled cheers from her allies through her earpiece. Now for the next target…

She swung the rifle around, using the scope to find her next alien body, but it was often harder than thought.

Those color-changing abilities? It means they can camouflage in the environment, even if they were in a city. They could replicate anything glowing or lit up too, so they could pose as lamp-posts.

Hypatia often relied on her UV filter on her scope. They didn't produce body heat, but UV light revealed them if they were visible to the naked eye. It sharpened the edges of their almost imperceptible bodies.

She found one, hiding against the side of a building. She lined up her shot, "Target found, takin-"

She was cut off by a sudden force yanking her upward, the rifle dropping from her grasp. Hypatia yelped, then went to grab her knife, but her whole body was jerked sideways, striking the nearby AC unit.

Her vision swam, but she could clearly tell it was one of them. The snake-like body, the horns lining their face, even the fangs dripping with something.

There were voices from her earpiece, shouts asking about her, trying to get her to respond, but before she could utter a single word, the alien slammed forward, holding its tail against her neck and choking her.

Using its tongue, it yanked the earpiece from her ear, tossing it aside as the voices faded from the area, no longer audible.

Hypatia grunted, trying to push the creature off of her, but unable to do so, as their size was deceiving. Despite only getting to the longest length of four feet, they were immensely strong.

It hissed, making a clicking sound; that's how they spoke. It was kinda like Morse code, but the patterns didn't match with the actual code.

Abruptly, the alien removed its tail from Hypatia's neck, and the woman coughed, sputtering, but she didn't have a chance to relax, as she was lifted again, thrown from one side of the roof to the other.

Her armor protected her from most things, but not all, as the concrete scraped against her face and arm, leaving gashes that immediately started bleeding.

It stalked toward her, and she tried to scramble away, but again, it yanked her, this time by her leg.

It flung her over its own head, and she was flying again, then landed harshly on her back, a sharp pain stabbing through her body.

The earpiece was nearby, and she could hear the shouts of her allies. They were a small bunch, only containing 24 people including herself, and even then, only seven were sent on this mission. Six voices then. Six voices were sounding from the piece.

Hypatia grunted, pushing herself to her side, sitting up slightly as it got closer and closer, its fangs dripping now, ready to deliver the final blow.

She looked on in fear, unable to scramble away as she was against the edge of the roof. Hypatia put her arm up, and it lunged, the mouth latching onto her flesh.

Surprisingly, the venom was useless against humans, but that didn't mean the bite didn't do anything.

It hurt like hell, a burning pain as she felt the teeth dig into her flesh, all the way to her bone.

It kept compressing, the fangs managing to pierce her bone, and she cried out, her vision swimming more than before.

During its attack in her arm, Hypatia's other hand had snuck to the holster on her hip, the knife lodged deep inside.

She unclasped it, grabbing the knife in her left hand, and thrusting it up.

It sank into the alien's body, and the reaction was instantaneous, the flesh rippling purple, then green, then black.

And then it burst.

Hypatia hadn't realized there was a force behind it strong enough to move her, but she was shoved even further against the concrete, her armor useless at that point.

The guts, which had coated her, were gone within seconds, a weird trait among other things. It evaporated in any temperature above fifty.

Hypatia went limp against the mini-wall, closing her eyes even as there were gunshots and the still echoing sound of her allies.

The pain was too much. She was bleeding from her arms, her face, and now the back of her head, and not to mention, the holes in her arm.

Everything faded away as she was consumed by darkness. She didn't care if she died or only passed out, she just didn't want to experience this pain anymore.


Fyra was running, running as fast as she could. Hypatia never missed a shot, so her abrupt cut off was a bad sign. Using her special boots, she was able to run up walls and drop from immense heights that would normally kill a person.

She had been on the ground, but was ordered to Hypatia's position immediately after the cut off. Fyra's knife found another alien's body, the effect happening yet again, but she didn't stay to watch.

Pressing a button in her palm, the boots powered up, and she leaped, her feet latching onto the wall of the building Hypatia was on. She ran, against gravity, and was admittedly slower than normal. Fyra was their fastest member, often training with the boots on walls so she could become faster even against gravity.

She heard grunts, then a burst, then silence, until finally she peered over the top of the building, making sure the coast was clear before going into the open.

Once she cleared it, she cried out, running over to the crumpled Hypatia. 

There she lay, her black hair matted to her bleeding face and arms, and her amber eyes shut.

Fyra grit her teeth, grabbing something from her backpack and plunging it into Hypatia, hoping it would help.

The nanobots got to work, healing the tinier cuts before going into the larger ones, but they wouldn't last long enough, and were destroyed before they could heal much.

Fyra practically growled, "Hypatia found, and she's in horrid condition. Send a recon copter, I will keep the area clear, but we need to be fast."

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