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The robot hovered in the facility, their "eyes" scanning for any signs of life. Too bad they were bad at it.

Tai had turned herself undetectable by shifting their attention. Screw her energy levels, she was getting Velanna out whether they found her or not.

She made her way along, her face in a permanent scowl as she fought the urge to burn this place down. She'd do it after Velanna was safe.

Alex and Mint followed close behind, their hands locked with Tai's, and she kept them all hidden. They'd found where Velanna was located by following originally when she'd been taken, but they didn't have a plan.

They twisted and turned, the hallways, stairs, turns, all blurring into one, except for Tai, that is. She memorized every turn, every little detail.

And then it was in front of them, the room they took her to, prepped her in, were planning to kill her in. What disgusted Tai most, though, was the large observation room there, the one they stood in, safely behind a wall of glass.

There she was, quite different from the white room, with her purple and blue hair and her dark clothes, which were no longer what she'd had before, instead a hospital gown.

She was face-down, and Tai couldn't tell if she was awake or not, but she didn't plan to wait. There were two Bots on patrol, one in the room and one in the observation chamber.

The trio got ready, Tai pulling a blade out, Alex lifting her special gauntlets, and Mint lifting her make-shift bow made of scrap metal. They all planned to stay as stealthy as possible.

Tai lifted her knife, slamming it into the scanner, which electrocuted her a small bit, but not enough to hurt. She pulled the blade out, and then the door slid open, only halfway though.

Alex couldn't fit through the gap, she was quite bulky, so Tai glanced, found no cameras nearby, and let go of Alex. Her attention shifting was no longer working on the taller girl.

Mint and Tai slipped in, the robot in the observation chamber turning to the open door, scanning. It couldn't see them yet, but it would soon, so Mint attacked.

Her already docked arrow flew directly at the robot, the arrows made of the robots' metal armour, so it pierced right through.

The robot gave a squeak, probably from the start of an alarm, but fell, lights turning off and the ball-shaped metal rolling slightly.

Mint nodded to Tai, but they were out of the woods yet, as they didn't know if the glass window was two-way. She glanced around, scanning for the door, or an opening, but not finding one.

A small beep sounded from inside the chamber, and a door slid open, from seemingly nothing, and in walked two scientists. Each one had goggles over their eyes, gloves, and one had a tray of surgical instruments.

The robot hovered around the room, flying to the corner as the blue energy exited the bottom, the engines barely humming.

Tai started to panic, They are about to do something!

Velanna stirred, mostly because of the cold air, but also because of the hands on her shoulder blades. She tried to turn her head, but she couldn't move, only blink her eyes and flick them about.

Tai's heart sunk, the next person who entered filling her with primal rage. She'd blinded him. He shouldn't be able to do anything.

Malik entered, one eye mangled, a scar covering that side of his face, and the other eye slightly open, injured but not gone.

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