Don't Mess With Me

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Raylin kept her head down in the crowd, making sure the hoodie covered her hair and face; she's pretty noticeable with her neon blue hair and red eyes. 

Trying to lose a tail with a gun is hard, especially when they're sniping with a rifle from atop a building. And with Anti-Magic bullets. That too.

Being a Magic user was hard, and it would be easier if she could use her Magic regularly, but she's always got shackles that limit her abilities. It's the law. And it's dumb.

Magic isn't outlawed, but because there are some people who don't possess it, they got jealous, making laws to "equalize" the world. It was only for control.

She ducked to the side, now separated from the sniper by a building, but she knew that wouldn't stop them all. She doesn't even know why they're after her, but they are.

She kept walking, cursing the shackles on her wrists, hating she couldn't get them off without Magic, but unable to use Magic to that extent. She'd need an outside force to break them, and even then, they're strong.

There was a chain link fence, and, with ease, she climbed over it, having scaled the things all the time growing up.

As she landed in a puddle from the recent rain, she saw a car pull up at the other end, surprisingly not solid black like expected; it was dark green.

Out of it stepped three men, and a single woman. They wore regular clothes, another thing movies got wrong- they don't wear suits.

The woman seemed to lead them, stepping forward in combat boots of her own, matching Raylin's in style, "Miss Carrana! You must be quite confused by this, but we assure you, this is necessary. Your life is to be traded for other lives."

Raylin squinted, glaring at the woman, not speaking as the woman stepped forward. She lifted a hand, and the three men all pulled pistols from their pockets or belts, but they had them.

Raylin had a glimmer of hope. Most people, when they see guns, believe they've lost, but Raylin knew better- guns could break her shackles if aimed right.

The closest man to her lifted it, aiming down the barrel before a loud crack rang out- no silencers apparently.

Raylin dodged, easily with slight speed Magic, and crouched low to the ground, rolling her hoodie's sleeves up, the hoodie falling from her head.

Her neon blue locks, reaching her hips, was straight, and cascaded behind her as she got into a fighting stance, prepared to defend herself. She'd die fighting.

Another crack rang out, and Raylin, instead of dodging, moved into the trajectory of the bullet, lifting her hand with the metal shackle. The bullet hit the shackle at the perfect angle, missing her wrist but destroying the shackle. It fell with a clang onto the alley floor.

Raylin grinned, rubbing her wrist with her other hand, the woman flinching back, turning to the man who fired, "You idiot! I'm done with you, dispose of him."

The other two men looked at each other, then raised their pistols, simultaneously firing shots directly into the third man's head and neck. He was dead before he hit the floor.

Raylin lowered herself back down, knowing she couldn't use her Magic at full power, but knowing she'd been given an edge.

The woman turned back to Raylin, nodding to the men without looking. A silent command- kill her.

Instead of being smart and staying back, both men charged Raylin, one lifting his gun and getting a shot off, narrowly missing the young girl. 

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