Onyx League

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This is based off a story called Psionic Academy by Sylver-frost. Please check that out as that's where the villains and powers come from.

Rowan was back to back with every single classmate, all of them surrounded, literally.

Carmina originally had a mini panic attack, but calmed once she realized what was happening. Attack.

Ajax and Asper had turned out to be incredibly good partners, able to communicate through telepathy better than the others, and the best was Nathan.

Ripley was compatible with all of them, able to adapt to her partners' "wavelength" per se, and became a shifter of sorts.

And here they were, all six of them, working together. Surrounded on all sides by who knows how many Onyx League members.

"Let's get this party started!" Asper shouted, fire forming in her palms, an evil grin on her face.

Ajax responded immediately, the flames in Asper's hands growing, changing from red, to blue, to white, scorching hot. It wouldn't burn Asper since she kept the fire away from herself, the now white balls of flame floating around her.

Rowan summoned her gauntlets once again, much preferring the hand-to-hand take on fighting, and Carmina had her back.

The black-haired girl had lightning crackling at her fingertips, some of it striking the ground, but still building.

Ripley, being the way she was, barely seemed to move, but gravity was on her side; the Onyx League members couldn't move, the force of her gravity holding them in place, some falling to the ground.

Nathan, still not one for combat or talking, used this chance to remove their guns from their grasps, the metal bending to his will as the mass of guns grew larger in the air.

Ajax reacted once again, raising the temperature of the guns, which now floated significantly farther away from them, as the guns melted, many popping from the gunpowder inside, "No more guns."

"Now, how about we show them the power of our class?" Rowan spoke, her voice clear, loud, through the noise.

And it all occurred at once. Rowan lunged forward, her fists finding two Onyx members' guts, of the few remaining standing, and then they keeled over, no longer standing.

Carmina released the electricity, striking a soldier in the chest, then controlling that to spread outward, a chain reaction.

Asper fired fireball after fireball at the soldiers, many unable to avoid the scorching balls that were made stronger by Ajax, who kept them hot until they struck.

Ripley kept them all down, but soon would have to stop. So she shifted her focus, no longer holding the soldiers down, speaking through telepathy, Everyone jump, now!

And they did, every single one jumping at the same time and soaring high, higher than ever before. The soldiers had recovered, but could no longer reach the classmates.

Asper shot the fireballs down, a massive one igniting the grass and dirt, everything burning. Soldiers went flying, their black cloaks burning, if not gone entirely.

Once the fire was gone, Rowan responded, her hands held below her, a mass of jagged ice spreading outward.

It crackled, instantly cooling the area near all of them, which had just been hot with fire boosted by a thermokinetic.

While the spikes of ice radiated outward, a large pillar rose from the ground, smooth on the top, meeting them halfway, landing on the pillar.

All six recovered, standing firmly on the ice, made easier by the tiny shards of metal imbedded in their shoes for this occasion. 

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