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When it was Friday and school was over, Laura went to her room to find something cute to wear. And since her parents went somewhere on the weekend she can do whatever she wants. When she was done getting ready, the door bell rang and when she opened it was her friends. "I can't believe we're going to a carnival with 5 really cute boys, plus I heard that since Stacey and Jake broke up with each other his friends did the same thing which means I get to pick who my partner will be and that is Nick". Says Lilly jumping up and down while blushing. "Cool and I get Troy because me and him have something in common". Says Angel smiling. "And I get Daniel because he is so cute and very nice". Says Crystal. And that leaves Jake with Laura."Oh that's so romantic since you'll be partners with the cute boy that you like". Says Lilly laughing and doing kissing faces.

When the door bell rang I open the door and I see Jake and his friends and I think the one driving us to the carnival in his dad with a white beard. "Wow girls you look amazing today". Says Daniel looking at Crystal with wide eyes. "THANKS". Says all four of us.

When we got to the carnival we split into partners and it went the way we thought it would be since I get Jake. "So Laura what do you want to do first?" Asks Jake nervously. "Hmm how about we try the cotton candy since I've never had any before". " Wait so you've never had cotton candy before,I thought they have those in New York City don't they? " Yea but they cost a lot of money". "Wow, well don't worry I will get cotton candy for you and one for me, do you want blueberry or strawberry? "I'll have strawberry". So when they got their cotton candy Laura had one bite and really liked it. When they were done their cotton candy they went to go do an arcade game where you have to try and hit all of the monkeys to get a prize which would be a giant monkey. And Jake wins her the giant monkey and she kisses him on the cheek.

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