The Note

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"Ahh! are you ok?" Charli said panicking.

"I'm fine, let's keep running," Jaxx said as he jumped up.

"how are not dead" Charli yelled

"a silver bullet just feels like someone poked my back if anything is going to kill me its a wooden stick to the heart" Jaxx explained

"so your like my own personal shield" Charli asked

"yeah pretty much" Jaxx said

They ran across a few more buildings then Charli ran in front of Jaxx before jumping into an alleyway while Jaxx kept running, acting like Charli was still in front of him. Jaxx turned into a bat and flew away looping around back to the alley they dropped charli off where Luca and Levi in there wolf form.

"aww wolf pups, what are you cuties doing in here" Charli asked

Levi left his wolf form

"this is weird for both of us" Levi said

"oh your werewolf. wait how many monsters live in this town" Charli asked

"from what I know five" Luca said as he turned into his human form

"Luca your a werewolf too know wonder you stole your parents don't have a job to make money" Charli exclaimed

"no we don't have parents" Levi said aggressively

"Oh im sorry" Charli apologized

Jaxx and Alex flew into the alley

"hurry we got to go the monster hunters are coming" Alex exclaimed

"where are we going this is my home I live here with my grandma" Charli said

"there's a city where levi and I born in it was a monster city until the monster hunters found it that when we fled but that was just a story Levi told me I don't remember anything" Luca explained

"how long ago was this" Jaxx asked

"about 7 years ago." Levi said

"ohh I monster mania right" Charli ask

"Uh I think so" Levi said

" My grandma told me the story of when she lived there . She worked at the monster hall which was where the founder of the city lived. they had potion shops for witches shops with pig blood for vampires and meat shops for werewolves pig brains for zombies and everything was so cheap that a pennie can buy jaxx a gallon of blood" Charli exclaimed

"nice, too bad the monster hunters destroyed it" Jaxx said

"we can go ask my grandma about it she finished her shift at the stand she should be back at home now" Charli said

when they got to charli's house they saw the door busted open and on the lawn

"GRANDMA" Charli yelled in fear

they searched the house but there was no sign of Charli's grandmother

"hey Charli i found a note" Jaxx said as he held a folded piece of paper in his hand

Alex started to read the note "dear my sweet Charli if you are reading this. I was probably found by the monster hunters which means I would be dead right now. I started to write this note when I got an email saying that I would be able to get my old job at the monster hall in monster mania I want you to gather the rest of the food from my fruit stand and go east from the the village and keep going east until you go through thick fog and end up in a graveyard go to a tombstone that says Jason and push a button inside of the O that will open a trap door that will bring you to an underground city. Once your in the city look for a man name zoom he is a zombie I used to work with mention my name and show him this note he will let you live with him I want you to live there for the rest of your life I wish i had enough money so we could live there together just like we did when you were 4 but please try to get there. I know this is a big death wish but it's what I want for you and this is the best way to keep you safe but i'm ok with you staying here in the village if you want

- love grandma"

Charli started to tear up her home was no longer safe and her grandmother was kill by the monster hunters

"so what do we do now" Jaxx asked

"I don't know" Alex said

"i'm going to for fill my grandma death wish if any one wants to come follow me" Charli said full of confidence

"im not going on a suicide mission to grant an old ladys death wish" Levi explained

"im in" Luca said agreeing with Charli

"me to plus I love to try human food and i'm still hungry once again Luca i'm sorry I tried to eat you" Jaxx said

"unfortunately i agree with Levi" Alex said

"well see ya Levi bye Alex" Luca said full of energy

Luca went to his wolf form, Jaxx went to his bat form and sat on charli's shoulder and Charli jumped on luca's back like he was a horse

"Are you sure you don't want to join us" Charli ask

"No way" Levi said

"Ok bye brother" Luca said before leaving

"Luca wait for me" Levi said as he turned into a wolf

"Levi" alex said

"Come I know you want to" Levi said

"You said your self this is a suicide mission" Alex said

"Look I know what I said but luca is my little brother it is my responsibility to keep him save he already left so I have to go or I can let him die" Levi explained

"Fine i'll come" Alex admitted 

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