Magic Of The Z-Squad

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 "Ha that what you get you filthy dragon" the green girl said her hair was mint green with emerald green eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Luca exclaimed.

"Uhh stealing her power" the green girl said.

More blazes just like the green blaze earlier speared inside the tip of the trench Light made. One was a baby pink, one was baby blue, one was a golden yellow, and the last one was a blueish purple.

"You think a 20 foot trench can stop us, you little." Drake said aggressively before being interrupted by Kat.

"Calm down Drake and just take this power" Kat told them.

Levi tackled Kat to the ground and stole her staff and sat next to the group.

"Good job Levi" Sora said, patting his head.

Levi dropped the staff in front of him.

"You pat my head one more time you're not going to have a head" Levi yelled.

"Is that a threat?" Sora asked.

"No, it's a promise," Levi said.

"Levi calm down lets play tug of war" Luca said, transforming into his wolf form.

"Oh yeah" Levi said in excitement.

They started to play tug of war with Kats staff.

Jaxx flew in his bat form and transformed in mid-air falling on the staff breaking it in half.

"Boom no more Kat" Jaxx said sitting and the broken staff.

"Nooo you filthy monsters" Kat screams.

Dove was no longer paralyzed or pinned to the ground but there was still a huge hole in her wing.

"That's it," Zach said in anger.

He used his staff and pointed it at Luca and Levi. The blazes went into their chest and they fell to the ground.

"Luca, Levi" Charli yelled in horror, shaking the wolf pups trying to wake them up.

"I know you have an urge to kill a demon. This tribe is full of them and that purple boy is one tasty looking demon" Zach said.

"Why don't you fulfill what you wish?" he continued.

Luca and Levi woke up, their eyes turned pink and they started to growl with aggression. Levi pushed Charli so hard to the side she crashed into a tipi ripping the wall and knocking her out.

"Charli," Alex yelled.

"Levi what is wrong with you" Jaxx yelled.

They didn't speak, they growled in aggression instead.

"The staff it's controlling them," Sora yelled.

"Get them," Zach said.

The pups ran after the group. The group ran as fast as they could and hid in a tipi.

"Goodbye monsters," Skye muttered.

"What are we going to do? I can't hold 3 people and Jaxx's bat form isn't strong enough, Dove's wing has a hole and we can't hide from wolves forever" Alex explained.

"They want to eat me, they have that witch but if the witch was here she could fix Dove's wing and we could fly on dove's back until we break the staffs" Light thought.

"Wolves" a demon yelled.

"Everyone hide" another demon screamed.

"Everyone aim." the chief yelled.

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