Spooks, Confessions and Demons

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Luca woke up. He looked out the window and searched for the moon. Since luca never had a clock, he learned how to tell time by looking at the moon or the sun. It looked like it was about 3 or 4 am. Soon he felt hungry, he walked down the stairs and saw a shadow fly past him.

"H-h-hello," Luca stuttered.

"C-come o-o-out".

There was a creek behind him. the shadow flew behind him. It poked Luca's back.

"Ahhhh," Luca screamed.

Luca backed up putting his back to the wall with nowhere else to go. The moon light was shining through the window.

"C-come out to the light" Luca said in fear.

The shadow's feet slowly flew down and touched the ground and walked closer to Luca.

"Luca are you ok" Alex asked walking out of the shadows

"Luca what's going on" Levi ask rubbing his eyes as down the stairs

"Alex she uhh" Luca stuttered

"Luca go to bed" Levi said he walked down the stairs grabbed Luca by the wrist and dragged Luca to bed

6 hours past Charli walked over to Jaxx's room to ask what he wanted for breakfast.

"Jaxx are you up?"

. . .

There was no response.

"Jaxx?" Charli opened the door.


Jaxx wasn't in his bed.

"Oh he's not here" Charli looked everywhere in the tree house and went down stairs.

Ch: Has anyone seen Jaxx?

Lu: I thought Jaxx was still sleeping.

Al: Did you check the attic?

Le: yeah bat like sleeping where there is absolutely no light.

Ch: there's an attic???

Le: didn't you create this tree house

Ch: yes but I never knew there was an attic

Charli went looking for the attic.

"Charli." Alex hinted "this way"

Alex flew through the roof and a latter fell through a trapdoor on the ceiling. Charli climbed up the latter and her wand started to glow orange like a flashlight but with an orange tint. The attic was pitch black with not a speck of light.

"Jaxx?" Charli called out.

"Charli try looking on the roof bat sleep upside down" Alex explained

Charli pointed her wand up to the roof. suddenly a black shadow appeared in front of the wand.

"Ahhhh" the girls yelled.

"Hey guys" Jaxx said .

"Flip you motherflipper" Charli yelled.

"Jaxx you are so annoying" Alex yelled.

"Hey are you guys ok?" Luca said, poking his head through the trapdoor.

Al: "We're fine Luca we're just a little frightened"

Lu: "Ha that's what you get from what happened last night"

Al: "Luca I was just getting a drink of water"

Ja: ghost drink water I thought that ghost don't need to eat or drink

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