The Z-Squad

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"I'll go out and lead, they can't kill me." Alex said.

Alex went outside of the tipi and looked around. It was late at night so most of the demons were sleeping, but some people were on a night shift. Alex poked her head back in the tipi.

"Clear." she whispered.

They walked outside and snuck out the tipi.

"Ahh I have this urge to kill." Levi said with aggression.

"Calm down Levi, it's just your animal instincts to kill the demons." Alex said with a calming voice.

"Me too. My head hurts." Luca said in pain.

"You guys should feel better when we get out of here." Charli said

Just then dove landed in front of them in her dragon form.

"Crap." Levi said.

Dove growled, smoke came out of her mouth.

"Ahhh don't kill us." Charli screamed

"Don't worry guys, she won't hurt us, I think." Jaxx said, questioning himself.

Jaxx walked to the dragon.

"Jaxx you're going to die." Charli yelled

"Calm down this is Dove" Jaxx said

"Why is a dragon named after a bird?" Luca questioned

"That's a very good question. uhh I don't know dove why are you named after a bird" Jaxx asked.

"Yeah, just ask the dragon. It can definitely answer a question because it can talk." Levi said sarcastically.

"I can talk wolf, this is a fantasy world where even gingerbread can talk." Dove said transforming into her human form.

"Your human!" Levi said shocked.

"No i'm a dragon that shapeshifts into a human" Dove said

"Is that sarcasm" Luca asked

"No, why would that be sarcasm?" Dove asked, pretty annoyed.

"I don't know, maybe because you and Levi both said something sarcastic a minute ago," Luca explained.

"Fair," Dove admitted.

"Jaxx when did you meet her?" Alex asked

"I think it was 3 or 4 hours ago," Jaxx said.

"No it was 2 hours ago and why are you trying to escape Jaxx" Dove asked

"We're trying to fulfill my grandma's death wish." Charli exclaimed full of excitement.

"I wasn't asking you, I was asking Jaxx." Dove said quite rudely.

"Hey no need to be mean, we're trying to escape the hunter by going to a underground city for monster to fulfill Charli's grandmother's death wish." Jaxx explained

"Yeah but you're our hostage you're not allowed to-" Dove said aggressively until she was interrupted by a boy.

"Demons of this tribe" the boy yelled.

He was a cliff that looked over the village. He was wearing black hoodie with pink trimes on his sleeve and hood. He looked 10 or 11 years old. There were 3 girls and one boy behind him that looked the same age. They all had the same hoodie but with different colour trims. One of the girls had yellow, one had green, one was purple, and the boy was blue. They all had matching staffs the same colour as their trims on their hoodies.

"We want you're dragons" the girl in yellow said.

"Yeah we're running out of magic, we haven't founded a demon tribe with dragons in a while." the boy in blue explained.

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