Chapter 5

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                             You and I

As Hinata and Sakusa went to the grocery store before going home, their phone rang at the same time.

"Omi did you get a message too?"

"I did. I swear if it's anything stupid sent by Bokuto or Atsumu... I'll kill them."

"Hehe don't kill them. We will be short of team players."

"Even better. No idiots means new members. I'm down."

"Come on Omi stop joking."

"What can I do if only you are the one who get them."

"Hai Hai you can tell me each one of them when we get home. Should we check the message?"


They both open their phones to check the messages and both of them were shook.


Sakusa just stared at his phone screen. It all happened so fast that he doesn't remember when Hinata jumped on him and hugged him and he hugged back.

"Hey is that Hinata Shoyo and Sakusa Kiyoomi?!"

"Oh my gosh!!! Yes!?"

When Sakusa realised people staring, he picked Hinata up and got out without checking out the vegetables.


"People are staring. We need to get out first."

Sakusa's voice was so close to Hinata's ear that he couldn't help but blush.


They reached the parking and then Sakusa put Hinata down.
Hinata jumped on Sakusa again, making Sakusa surprised again.

"Congratulations on your selection Omi kun!!"

"//congratulations on yours too.//"

"This means we'll get to play the Olympics together!!"

"Yeah...don't worry I'll always be by your side."

At that moment, Hinata's heart made some weird noises.

Thump* Thump* Thump*

Like some crazy triggered machine his heart was beating all of a sudden.

'//Wahhh!!! Too fast!//'

"Yeah... me too."

Now it was Sakusa's turn to blush.

"//let's go home.//"



After a week they all had to join the joint training session with all the Olympic team members so they can get familiar with each other if they didn't knew each other. After that week regular practice was gonna start for Olympics.

Right now Hinata and Sakusa were packing everything they needed. Bokuto was gonna pick them up along with Akaashi since Akaashi have to take the car back with him.

"Omi I'm so excited!!!!!"

"Finish your packing first. Don't forget the sanitizers and masks and don't get in touch with germs like Komori and Atsumu and stay near me always."

"Wahhh why so overprotective Omi!? What are you? my boyfriend?"

Just as those words left Hinata's mouth, Hinata stopped what he was doing and Sakusa stopped speaking too.
In the moment, Hinata started blabbering anything that came to his mind.

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