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 "Jay!" Ellie shouts as she rushes through the front door.

I hurry out of the apartment, padding down the stairs after her. Jay has already made his way to his truck, struggling to get the door open. His hair is matted to his now sweaty and crimson forehead. He grimaces as he drops his keys onto the ground and yells out the F word at the top of his lungs. He runs his hands through his hair and clenches his fists in defeat.

"Jay..." Ellie almost pleads as we approach his car.

"I really don't even want to hear it." He scoffs, leaning against his truck.

He shakes his head and looks up, biting his bottom lip. A thick silence blankets us and I stuff my hands into my pockets. Ellie gets closer to him and casts her gaze to the floor. She picks up his keys and hands them to Jay, who shoves them into his jacket pocket. Jay suddenly turns to me with a look of pure disgust.

"I know I made some mistakes. I know what I did was wrong. But, was it really that bad? Did I really deserve this? Ask yourself that." Jay snarls.

I'm about to open my mouth when he turns to Ellie, "And you. I'm sorry you fell for her. Because now she's your problem. Good luck."

With that, he unlocks the door and swings it open. Jay heaves himself into the driver's seat. Jay heaves himself into the driver's seat, slams the door, blasts his music and screeches out of the parking lot. Ellie stands there with wide eyes. Tears sting my vision and I bite down hard on the insides of my cheeks.

"You're not a problem, Tara. Don't listen to him." Ellie tells me, holding me in her arms.

I nod and wipe at my eyes while I stand there, numb. What kind of person am I? You can't help who you fall in love with, but you can help who you hurt. So why did I wait? Ellie leads me back to her apartment and we lie on the couch. We order a pizza and she brings out two six packs of beer and a flask of rum. Eventually, I drink myself into euphoria and I start feeling better. Ellie sits on the floor between my legs and stares pensively at the television. I play with her hair and watch as she rhythmically brings the bottle to her lips and sets it down. I gaze at her blurry features and feel an odd sense of comfort. I move onto the floor beside her and she turns to me as she finishes off her third beer.

"You're such a lightweight." She snickers.

I laugh and roll my eyes, leaning against her and staring out the window. It's dark now. I can't go home like this.

"How do—How do you drink so much?" I hiccup.

"Years and years of being unattended. I had my first drink when I was ten." She admits with a grin.

"Whoa," I exclaim, sitting up and looking at her with a confound expression.

She nods, "Yeah. I guess I just got hooked. I can tell you're not much of a drinker."

"Not really," I say, watching her crack open her next bottle, "Once I got drunk with my cousin at my uncle's wedding. We had so much fun."

"Sounds like fun," She smiles as she helps me sit back up.

I scoot in front of her and try to focus on her eyes. She sets her beer on the coffee table beside her and raises her eyebrows at me. I try to make out her expression, but everything looks incredibly foggy and indistinct. My hand reaches out shakily as I attempt to cup the side of her face in my palm. Eventually, I'm able to find my way and I shift my gaze to the bleary circles that are her eyes.

"Tara," Ellie says with a half-hearted chuckle, "You're so drunk."

"I still know what I want," I tell her in a husky voice.

She takes hold of my hand, "I can't take advantage of you like that, Tara."

"It's not taking advantage of me if I want you to do it." I tell her, moving clumsily to her lap and straddling her.

She swallows hard and I notice her hands moving down to her sides. I frown and lean in, trailing kisses from her jaw to her collarbones. I wrap my arms around her neck and press my forehead to hers.

"Please," I whimper.

"Tara," Ellie murmurs as I grab her hands and guide them to my hips.

I pull my shirt over my head and hand her the bottle beside her, "If you get drunk with me, does it really matter?"

She thinks about it for a second before taking a cautious sip and setting the bottle down. I lean back and she helps me up, standing and making her way to the TV. She turns down the volume and plugs in her music dock. Music begins playing softly and she turns off the lights, returning to me.

"Glad you set the mood." I slur with a giggle.

Ellie sits down beside me and I grab her face, pulling it to mine. I kiss her hard and savor the taste of alcohol on her tongue. She tries to pull back for a moment, but I'm determined to get what I want. I pull her closer and she relaxes, her body easing up against mine. Her hands wander over my stomach and give me chills. The feeling of her fingertips on my body is enough to drive me insane. I get on top of her and practically tear her shirt off, throwing it to the side and starting to unbutton her shorts. She moves her lips to my neck and her teeth graze my skin. I close my eyes tight as I try to fight the spinning in my head. My hands hardly work with me and I struggle to keep myself steady.

"Slow down," She whispers with a quiet laugh.

Ellie places her hand beneath my jaw and tilts my head up, kissing me softly and moving back down to my neck. Her lips ghost over my throat and then lower to my collar bones. I catch my breath as I let her mouth explore my exposed skin. I feel something fiery in my chest as she painstakingly removes my bra and sets it on the floor. She plants a single kiss on my shoulder and her fingernails rake gently down my back. A shiver runs down my spine as she brings her lips back to mine. She kisses me softly with a different type of passion. She briefly takes my lip between her teeth and parts our lips. Ellie kisses down my stomach to the waistband of my jeans. Her fingertips slide down my sides and over my hip bones, causing me to tense up.

She unbuttons my pants and I lie down on my back, staring hard at the ceiling. I arch my back, helping her to remove the cursed clothing. She kisses my inner thigh and climbs over me. As she holds herself above me, she kisses me slowly and tells me I'm beautiful. I smile, still pretty disoriented. She disappears from my vision again and I can feel her hands trying to pull my underwear off.

"You're sure you're good?" She asks, peppering my inner thighs with light kisses.

"Yes. Yes. A hundred times yes." I say.

Ellie nudges my knees further apart, "All I needed to know."

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