Everyone gets a Bobal! Poor Bobal.

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I wrote a boba chapter like last year and i never continued because i had no intentions on making a part 2. Buuuuut. Why not make one now? I mean this book cant be dead now ita too early. The chapter name is here it called "going out? MORE LIKE MAKING OUT-"


"Move out of the damn way." "Nah uh. C'mere-" he grabbed Bobal on his back pulling him into a deep kiss leaving Boder hugging on Bobal's leg to not be free and has to go through with it. He already seen Bowaev doing the deathstare now this. Plus how did they get into his room- eh wattpad logic.

Back to the point anyways Bobot parted their lips away from Bobal both gasping for air. Boder stopped clinging onto the smaller and went out to get apple juice (for once something normal). Bobal straight up went as well wanting to make steak for himself but he stopped his tracks after he saw Bowaev literally climbing onto the spider like a cat in one video he saw. He didn't know what to think about the situation but just went over there and grabbed the salt and pepper from the cabinets after grabbing the wrapped steak from the fridge. He left it all on the counter to wash his hands in the sink when suddenly Bob popped out of nowhere and gave everyone a Bobal. I am not kidding he gave everyone wine (except Bowaev.) They all looked at him. Bobal's mood was ruined once again so he obliged and removed his right shoe, and threw it directly at Bob's face giving the sorry blue a painful ow before touching his face. 

 Before Bobal could do anymore damage Boder swept in and gave him a surprise smooch in the cheek. How cute!🥺 This cooled him off for a little while and said sorry to the blue and helped hi  up. He returned back to the kitchen marinating the steaks and cooking before he went off to take a snooze of 10 minutes. 


There be part 3

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