Lovestruck Bobal (updated part 1)

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Dont ask questions. You dont wanna know.


It was afternoon, Bowaev was napping on the couch since he had a nightmare and couldn't cope it without someone beside him. He was crying earlier at the time he woke up, he managed to find Bobal in the living room sniffling as he weakly walked towards him hugging him tight holding his plushie with him making the male awake at the time he felt someone clutching him tight. That made him question what was wrong and looked at him seeing the poor teen sprouting hot tears as he clutched him more. Bobal picked him up covering both of them with a blanket.

"What happened? You okay?" As he continued calming the child "N-Nightmare.. more worst than last time.." he sniffled once more "Alright alright you can stay here for now when you calmed down." He softly said patting him into halcyon. Both of them slowly drifted them to sleep as the moon arose. Metal stomping reaches, clanking continues, the robot was in the room looking around for the youngsters. He continued as he scanned the room, he found them in a snooze, he just chuckled and sighed in relief. He went into a room and grabbed a pillow then went back to their unplanned sleepover but stopped his tracks to see Boder and Bobot joined in to snuggle the 4 of them. One of which they used the coffee table to turn it into a bed just to sleep right beside the 2. He wondered if he malfunction by chance and quickly went to his room for a checkup on his systems. Neither did the metallic knew they drank an invisbility potion that just went off a few seconds ago. Still he was stubborn anyway, the robot wanted to make a few changes to his hardware. The robot walked away then creaked the door shut making his wished adjustments. 

A portal appeared in the kitchen for some reason, however it was normal for portals to lag like this. Bob and Bosip was back home from a big snow fight they went into, it was a new update from Adopt Me. They went into Roblox before but only visit a few underrated places but they were hella boring, well to Bob of course. He gotten mood-swing every-time they both join a game, Bosip suggested a popular game which the cube didn't think much and got along with Bosip's advice. Boy it took a turn for his excitement. It was snowing already 

They both walked out of the kitchen and stumbled upon seeing their friends asleep happily. Even for Bobal, it was a first for Bob to see him joining everyone in somewhat sleepover. Last time the angry male just threw a shoe on his face, that mark lasted a week making Bob slap a cake at him. The fight lasted a whole day.

  Anyways back to the point.

Bob was just speechless and just stomped on his ways upstairs to change, Bosip accompanied with him until he reached his bedroom. They just took a quick shower and came back with their pajamas. Bob even brought his pillows and blankets just to sleep there. "Why did bring you're bedsheets and pillows?" He wondered as he questioned. "Ima sleep with them. Even though I know ill get hit." He proceeded to walk down the stairs until he just just stared for a moment. Bobot's helmet was removed, Boder huddled in more with Bobal, Bowaev somehow was on-top of the couch frame and Bobal was there looking dead in Bob's eyes. He was wide awake, he made the face hinting him not to sleep with them on the ouch just on the darn floor. Bob just rolled his eyes and did the bruh face. He just settled at the front of the table and placed his outlined bed on the floor. Bosip did the same with him, he kneeled down right next to Bosip whilst he was settling the stuff. Bob went splat in the face without acknowledging a single thing a went snoring to sleep. 5e shark didn't bother and cuddled himself under the blankets going into his fantasy dreams wishing upon himself with Bob together.

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