Chapter 21 Road to Recovery

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While the adults were making plans for their return to Midgard, Evie was having the time of her life with Bjørn and her friends. They had gone to the sweet shop and introduced Evie to Asgardian candies, chocolates. After the sweet shop, they went to the town square to watch the people perform and sing. As the afternoon wore on, the guard with the children informed Bjørn and Evie that it was time to head back to the palace to prepare for the feast.

Evie and Bjørn said goodbye to their friends and were escorted back to the palace. When they arrived, Bjørn kissed Evie's hand, causing her to blush, “I'll see you this evening, Evie. I need to go home and change as well.”

“Alright, Bjørn, see you tonight.”

Evie turned and went inside the palace and walked towards her room, where she met her father. Thor smiled at Evie and picked her up, “Hello, Petal, did you have a nice time in the city?”

“Oh, yes, Daddy. Bjørn took me to the sweet shop, then we went to the square and watched a few plays and listened to the singers.”

“That's good that you had a nice time, My Princess; now it's time to get ready for the feast. Dagmar has your dress set out for you,” Thor told Evie.

“Alright, Daddy. I'll see you in a little bit.”

Thor smiled at his daughter and kissed her cheek, then set her down. She walked into her room, and Dagmar greeted her, “Good afternoon, My Princess. Your bath is ready, and I have your dress ready.” Dagmar informed Evie.

Evie smiled and went to the bathroom to take her bath. Once she was finished, Dagmar helped dry her hair and brush it out. Then she braided it and gave Evie her clothes so that she could change. Evie stepped behind the changing screen and changed into a beautiful blue silk dress that opened her eyes. Once she was dressed, she put on her slippers and knocked on the door that adjoined her father's.

“Come in, Petal.”

“Are you ready, Daddy?”

“Yes, I am, Petal. Don't you look beautiful?”

Evie blushed, “Thank you, Daddy.”

Thor offered his hand, “Now shall we go?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Father and daughter made their way towards the great hall where the feast was to be held. When they arrived, the dining hall was already full. They cheered when Thor and Evie entered. Thor smiled and waved at everyone as he made his way towards his family. Evie held on tightly to her father's hand and shyly waved and smiled at everyone as well as she followed him towards the main table. As they walked, Evie noticed Bjørn in the crowd, her eyes lit up, and she gave him a big smile, which he returned.

They reached the dais, and Evie sat between Thor and Tony. Tony smiled and leaned over and kissed Evie on the head, “You look so pretty, Evie. That dress brings out your eyes.”

“Thank you, Uncle Tony,” Evie said with a smile.

Once everyone was seated, Odin announced that the feast could begin. The people started serving themselves, and servants walked around handing out cups of wine, Asgardian Ale, and Mead. The entire hall was filled with music and laughter. Thor made sure that his daughter got enough to eat. He was pleased that Evie's appetite had increased and that she could eat more than before. Evie enthusiastically ate her food while she listened to the conversations going on around her.

Evie let her eyes wander the dining hall, looking at all the people laughing and singing and having a grand time. She smiled at Bjørn when their eyes met, and he gave Evie a radiant smile that made her heart skip a beat. After a while, Evie started talking to her Uncle Tony about what she had done that day, and he told her that he had visited the engineering guild to see how they infused their technology with magic. She also asked Tony how his sessions with her grandmother were going.

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