Ch. 24 | High Roller

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Summary: Spencer and Bunny take a trip to Las Vegas.

Content Warning: Gambling, casinos, references to sex workers, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, mild fighting, jealousy, insecurity

A/N: Lila appears in this chapter. Please have faith in my writing and don't be weirdly misogynistic off the bat! I'm begging you, lol. Also, don't comment about the actress or her ex-husband or I will delete it.

Thank you everyone! Because this chapter and the next are both very long, please be patient if I update in three weeks instead of two. I appreciate you!


Most days, the sun followed my Bunny. Like the pantheon of sun gods and goddesses, the dedication and persistence of her daily travels across the sky were unwavering. Each day I was left wondering how she'd managed to do it. How she could so easily give away so much of herself while remaining whole. She had singlehandedly provided comfort, life, and warmth that had sustained me through a harsh and unrelenting winter.

It only made sense, then, why it rained the first day we'd arrived in Las Vegas.

We viewed rain differently there. It was not a symbol of darkness, not an omen of danger. The torrential downpour was probably the most refreshing thing the universe could offer the desert. A reprieve from the otherwise scorching heat.

The girl still half asleep in my bed seemed soothed by the rain, too. Like a true desert flower, she curled into herself as though she could catch the water pooling between her limbs.

It was the smell of carefully planned coffee that woke her. Or perhaps it was my absence. Either way, she was unusually quick to abandon the comfort of our shared bed in favor of food and caffeine.

The hour passed with remarkably little chitchat, and I found myself resisting the fantasy I wanted to throw myself into. The domesticity of it all left me breathless and unable to focus on the crossword puzzle that would normally take me less than five minutes to solve. It had been 15, and I'd barely touched it. I didn't mind, either. Watching her was such a better way to pass the time.

I'd promised her an interesting day but left all the details vague. I'd divulged enough, however, for her to know that she definitely needed to preen herself into oblivion.

Again, I hadn't minded waiting. Watching her struggle to apply various colored paints and somehow shove an entire package of bobby pins and hair clips onto her head was the highlight of my day thus far. The efforts she'd gone to just to stand beside me while I probably made a fool of myself were... flattering, to say the least.

Of course, I'd predicted she would do as much. I had sort of planned on it happening, really. Although I would have been happy to take her anywhere no matter what she'd looked like, I knew she would have a much better time if she'd looked the part.

A high stakes casino was a strange place to stand out - especially as a beautiful young woman.

That was why I'd done my own preparations. While she continued to perfect what was already flawless, I located the box that I'd somehow managed to keep hidden from her until then. I removed the bundle of carefully crafted fabric, inspecting the color and already coming undone at the thought of it on her.

As I laid the dress down on the bed, I forced myself to abandon one of a million daydreams. Because she was there. I didn't need to wonder or worry. I just had to call her name.

"Come here, sweetheart."

Within seconds, my Bunny popped her head around the corner of the bathroom. While she said nothing at first due to the makeup brush perched precariously between her lips, it didn't take her much longer before it clattered to the floor with a gasp.

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