003 byeok

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You stood in front of the store where she told you to meet her. The butterflies in your stomach danced around as you thought about her. She made herself seem cold and distant, but you knew that she cared about you a lot. After all, she seemed to want to hang out a lot. You liked hanging out with her too; it felt natural to be around her. She didn't smile much, but you'd see her crack a small smile every so often when you were together. Her smile was so pretty; it made you blush every single time.

You heard footsteps approaching you which cause you to quickly look in their direction. There she was; Byeok. A smile instantly appeared on your face as you stood up to face her.

"Byeok! Hello!" I slightly bowed in her direction.

"Hey, we gotta go pick up my brother and take him to the park" she replied, cutting straight to the point as she often did.

"Alright," you happy complied.

She didn't stop walking so you had to hurry to walk next to her. The walk was quiet besides the sound of your shoes hitting the pavement. It was a short walk to the orphanage where her brother stayed; it made sense she chose that place now. The play yard was filled with small children, playing tons of games. As we got closer, the laughs and screams of the children became more clear. We headed toward a child that sat by himself, watching the other kids play. When he saw us, he jumped up and ran over to Byeok, hugging her tightly.

"Big sis!" he cried, laughing.

She gave him a small smile and kneeled to hug him back. You could tell that they loved each other. She only let her guard down when she was with him, only him. You hung out with him until the children were called back inside. They said their goodbyes and he run to catch up with the other. She stared at you for a moment before she spoke.

"Let's go to the park," she suggested with her usual monotone voice.

You smiled and nodded, excited at the idea. Following her to the nearby park, you thought of all the fun times you had at that park. It was the place where you first truly bonded, which is what made your friendship blossom and made you closer. You weren't as close as you'd like to be but hey, it was a start. She suddenly stopped walking. You almost bumped into her but you caught yourself at the last second. Slightly tilting your head, you wondered why she stopped. There was nothing in front of her; in fact, there wasn't anything or anyone at that park. You looked around at the trees and their leaves that were falling to the sidewalk; they were a beautiful golden orange color. It almost felt like you were in a movie; you were with a pretty girl in a pretty place. You almost didn't notice that she had turned around and was staring at you again, as she did a lot. She stayed silent but you got the feeling that something was on her mind and she wanted to say it to you. You admired her features as she admired yours. She had eyes the color of a cup of dark roast coffee and they were always in a slightly annoyed expression. Her black hair had loose waves that fell just short of her shoulders ending in a curl. Her soft-looking skin was lightly dotted with freckles that were spread across her cheeks.

"I need to confess something to you, (Y/N)," she said, her expression not changing.

"Yeah, of course, anything" you replied, the butterflies from before starting to get restless.

"I don't usually do this but..." she trailed off looking to the side, "I think...I like having you around."

She sighed, sounding defeated.

"You do?" you were taken aback at her statement.

"I guess...I guess I just like you in general" she looked back at you; her eyes had softened.

You smiled, resisting the urge to pull her into a hug. You knew she wasn't fond of physical affection, or affection in general but her confession had filled you with joy. You quickly wrapped your arms around her and squeezed her tight. To your surprise, she didn't fight back. Instead, she hugged you back, resting her chin on your shoulder. You could hug her forever but you let go. Her cheeks were a light pink which made your smile even bigger.

"I like you too," you told her.

"Then..." she slightly smiled.

"Let's date," you nodded.

Her eyes light up and she pulled you back into a hug. You could get used to this.

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