017.2 ali

98 2 0

I leaned over the table, placing a hand on his head. For someone who had a rough last couple of days, his curls were insanely soft. When I realized what I had done, I quickly pull my hand back.

"I...I'm gonna go to bed," I quickly get up, "help yourself to any snacks or drinks or whatever."

Before he could say anything, I hurried to my room and closed the door behind me.

"Shit...what were you thinking," I ask myself, letting my head fall back against the door.

What made you think you could touch him? Especially without his permission? I've never acted on impulse since I was a small child. Thinking about it for a bit, I decided it was probably my exhaustion. People don't think when they're tired...right? I got into my pajamas and laid down, hoping I was still in a dream.

* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *

I woke up the next morning to the harsh sun shining through my curtains. Luckily, I had slept like a dog last night so I was more than refreshed. I got up, stretched, and headed to the kitchen to make tea. It wasn't as caffeinated but it was a hell of a lot easier to drink. Halfway through my cup, I remember the man I invited into my home. A smile appeared on my face when I noticed he was asleep on the floor. He was so peaceful curled up with his jacket draped over him. Rolling my eyes, I sent my coffee down and replace the jacket with a blanket.

"There, dork."

I hung it up and decided to make a cup of tea for him as well. Setting the cups down on the table, I pulled out my phone. No new calls or messages. Sure, it was normal of me to disappear for a day or two but it would've been nice to hear that someone was worried about me. I look up at the man sleeping in front of me. He's the person that checks up on you no matter what. I was envious of whoever got to date him. taking a sip of my tea, I imagined how it would feel to be loved by him. Probably like being the most important person. He'd for sure give his partner everything. What a cheesy thing to think about, (Y/N). He's way out of your league as well. I couldn't help it though. Something in me was desperate to know. Before I could think of anything else, Ali groaned as he awoke.

"Morning sunshine. I made you some tea. I think it's still warm."

He sat up to reveal the smile on his face, "thank you, Miss (L/N)."

"You can call me (Y/N), you know. There's no need to be so formal. I mean, we're friends right?"

He nodded and took a big swig of the tea. He let out an 'mmm' before taking another drink.

"Thank you so much, (Y/N). You are such an angel," he purred, enveloped in bliss.

"Me? Nah..." I covered my face, blushing aggressively.

"Yes, you. I can't imagine how big of a heart you have for letting me stay here. I appreciate it so much."

"Don't mention it, okay? I owe you."

Those butterflies were back; and stronger than ever. My stomach felt so tight that I felt I was going to throw up. How was he making me feel this way? More importantly, why? I don't remember feeling like this last night...

I gulped and took a deep breath, "Ali, I-"

His phone started to ring before I could finish my sentence. He excused himself and stepped out into the apartment hallway, leaving me alone.

"I want you to stay..." I finished quietly after he left.

It was a bad idea anyway. No matter how desperate I was, he needed to go back to his home; his friends and family are probably worried about him. Besides, I can barely function being around him, I can't imagine living with him. I'd never get anything done.

A few minutes later, he came back in with a melancholy expression on his face.

"Sorry about that, it was a call from my work," he sighed and sat down.

"What did they say?"

"They, uh...they fired me..."

"Oh, Ali..." was all I could get out.

I was never good at comforting people. I decided to do the only thing I knew would help. Crawling over to him, I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tight. He hugged me back, making me melt instantly. His arms felt like heaven. No, they were heaven. And I never wanted him to let go. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Unlike my racing heart, his was slow and calm.

"Stay another day, okay? Please..." I finally said, holding onto him tighter.

"I'll stay however long you want me to."



"I think I like you..."

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