Chapter Two

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After a long night, I slowly wake up. Stretching my body and climbing out of bed, I put away Ractro. Last night, we had to activate Ractro to guard us while we were sleeping. He is very helpful, and I thank God that we found him.

Going inside the bathroom to freshen up, I hear Rosa waking up. Rosalinda de la Cruz, standing at five feet tall with brown wavy hair, and tan skin, with dimples on both cheeks. She has always been the most beautiful of the two of us. Everyone always says how she's so pretty and so elegant compared to me. I have brown eyes and brown wavy hair. I'm five foot two inches and have a dimple on the left cheek. My skin is also tan. There was a time when I was jealous of my sister, I admit. But as time passes by I realize that it is not healthy to compare myself to her or anybody else. Everyone has their own type and maybe I am not their type; maybe I am someone else's and I have not met that person yet.

"Good morning Rosa."

"Good morning, Marie. How did you sleep?" Rosalinda asks.

"It was good. Although in the middle of the night, for some reason, I kept hearing noises from the second room," I say.

"That's weird. I didn't hear anything at all. Also, you? Hearing noises while sleeping? That's a first," Rosalinda says.

"Ok, whatever, Rosa."

You see, the reason why my oldest sister is surprised is because I am a heavy sleeper. Like really heavy. In the past I have slept through fire alarms, earthquakes, and every time we would go in the car up a rocky and steep road to the mountains, I would still sleep. Rosalinda is different, she'll hear the tiniest noise. Out of all of us, she's the lightest sleeper in our family. She would hear a door being opened, but I would still be asleep and not hear anything at all. I even slept through a fire alarm once and I don't know how I did that. That is why I am glad Ractro is here with us, knowing he's here to protect us makes me feel at ease.

Finishing my business in the bathroom, Juan slowly heads to the bathroom. Juan has always been like the middle child even though he really is the baby of the family. Standing at five foot eleven, with brown eyes and brown wavy hair, he smiles at us with his killer smile. In high school, the girls loved him. They would giggle and make high pitched noises when he smiled at them. It was disgusting but I guess that is just because he is my brother and I have seen how he acts at home.

"Good morning sisters," Juan says.

"Good morning brother," Rosalinda and I say at the same time. 

"Early in the morning. You guys are so twins," Juan says.

Sharing a room while growing up withRosa and being only a year apart made us closer to the point that Rosalinda and I would always have the same thoughts and opinions. We might be different but in some cases, we are the same. For example, we would say the same things or out of nowhere think of the same place we would like to go and eat. Because of this people have always thought that we are twins. Juan is three years younger than me and the only baby boy in our family.

"All right, I am gonna go to the kitchen to figure out what we can eat today," Rosalinda says.

"Ok. Hey, Juan what time is it?"

"It's six in the morning. Also, it's Wednesday, September the fourth, you have to clean Ractro!" He says looking at his high-tech watch that our parents gifted him two years ago on his birthday.

"I know. I'm just gonna straighten the sofa bed. Anyway, thank you, and you better hurry up Juan!" I say.

"Ok. Ok. Early in the morning, Jesus Christ," Juan says.

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