Chapter Twenty

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"Sebastian," I say.
"You mean Uncle Sebastian, Marina?" says Sebastian. "Marina?" asks Andres.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I should be asking you that question. You know, I have been looking for you and your siblings for years. I can't believe it took us this long to at least find one," he says laughing. This means that he doesn't know where Rosalinda and Juan are. He doesn't know about the condo and Ractro. But how did he get here? Does that mean there is another Ractro? Another Lobo somewhere? "Come on don't make this harder on everyone," he says.

"No," I reply. "I will never go to you."

"I will not waste my time. I knew it was one of you or your siblings causing all of these disruptions. I am glad that it was me who came instead of someone else so I can see all de la Cruzs disappear one by one," he says.

"What is wrong with you? You have everything already. It even cost my parents lives," I say.

"I will admit I thought kicking your parents out would be enough but then I remembered how my family was killed by your ancestors here. I remember the pain and that's when I realized I have to do much more. I have to kill all of de la Cruz family," he says.

"You are crazy," I say.

"You might call it crazy, but you don't know what it feels like getting blamed for what your own father has done to the Filipinos which caused your own family to die. They were burned, Marie. My family was burned right in front of me by your family who did it to celebrate their freedom. I hadn't done anything. I helped your own people but, what they did in return, was to kill my family," he says.

"I am sorry for your loss, but you did the same to me and my siblings too. You killed our parents. You made us orphans," I reply.

"Don't. Don't you dare make me feel guilty. It is not the same," he replies.

He looks at one of his guards and gives him a signal. The guard approaches us. Quickly, I unzip my bag and throw Ractro in front of us. Ractro immediately comes out but then, as if he had magnets, Ractro instead goes to the Lobo and the Lobo lights up but then it disappears. Then, Ractro turns into a chip? What is happening? Why did Ractro turn into a chip?

"Why did Ractro turn into that Marie?" asks Andres. "I-I don't know," I say.

"You don't have anywhere to go now Marie," says Sebastian. "You see. Your robot needs to be recharged and with your robot turning into a chip that means that your robot is weak. And this Lobo right here needs a fully charged robot because this is the first ever Lobo that was created. It is very delicate you see but very fast. It will only take a second to get to the other side and it only uses the first ever robot that was made which is hidden in our museum well--in our world," says Sebastian. "Take her. Make sure not to kill her. She needs to be alive to be able to tell me where her siblings are," says Sebastian.

His guards approach us, but then Andres and the others surround me.
"Don't you dare step forward or I will kill her," says Andres. "Play along," he whispers to me. "Take her and kill them," says Sebastian.

The guards attack. I reach behind me, grab an arrow, and pull back my bow. My arrow hits a man. I keep doing this while standing behind Andres while we back our way out. Every time we kill someone, another one comes. It seems like it will never end. By the time there are only six enemies left including Sebastian, Davina screams. There, Oscar lays on the ground with a large wound on his left side.

"No," Davina yells. Seeing this I pull another arrow and aim at the man in front of Oscar.

"Davina watch out," says Patricia. Davina is unable to move quick enough and without a shield, she is shot. Patricia, in her rage, kills the man in front of her, not caring if they have guns. She runs to her sister's body and whispers in her ears.

Suddenly, Sebastian fires a gun at the ceiling. "This is enough, Marina. Come with me right now or I will kill this man," says Sebastian as he points the gun at Manoy.

"Don't Marie," says Manoy. I don't listen to Manoy's pleadings. I walk to Sebastian.

"Marie, what are you doing? Don't go to him for my life. We all worked so hard for this battle," says Manoy.

"I can't let another person get killed because of me," I say.

Then, Sebastian falls forward and hits the ground. I look up to see Patricia behind Sebastian with a heavy book in her hands. "Let's go before he wakes up," says Patricia.

"Come on," I say, giving my hand to Manoy.

"Go, I will just grab whatever I can get," says Andres.

"Fine, but hurry," I say.

"Yes," says Andres

Manoy, Patricia, and I run down the hall. As we are about to turn a corner we hear a gunshot. We all stop. Behind us we see both Andres and Sebastian fall.

"No!" I yell. "We need to go and check if he's alive," I say. "We need to leave, Marie," Manoy says.

I ignore him and run as fast as I can to get to Andres. "Marie," says Manoy and Patricia, who join me.

"T-Tell my brother to find our sister and pursue his dream to become a doctor. Ma-Manoy you have been a great friend to me. Than-thank you for that. Also, Marie, thank you for help-ing us. Thank you too, Patricia. Tell my farewell to my brother and sister when you guys find her," he says. I close his eyes and hug him for the last time.

"I will tell them," I say to his lifeless body.
"Let's go," says Patricia. "Before someone catches us here."

Along the halls, there is blood—a lot of blood. The armed soldiers we encounter, we are able to overpower them. At the stairs, there is a pile of bodies.

"Hey, we're here," says Nando. He waves at us. Everyone is exhausted. Half of the people we came here with are gone .

"Hey," I say.
"Here, drink this," he says, handing me his water canteen.
"Thank you!" I take a long drink from his canteen. "So, where's José and Diego?" I ask. "They are taking care of Alvarez," Nando coughs.
"There they are," a male voice says.

We all turn and see José, Diego, and two other men walking toward us.
"Where's Andres?" asks José.
I take a deep breath as I know what I'm about to tell him will hurt him a lot. "He's gone, José." He takes a breath. "Where is he?"
"Follow me."

When we get to Andres, José holds his brother in his arms. His body shakes with his sobbing. Diego places his hand on José's back, giving him comfort.

"What did he say?" he asks, wiping his tears.

"He told me to tell you his farewell. He said that you must find your sister and pursue your doctorate," I say.

"Sounds like him. Always telling me to get my education," says José laughing a little. "I want to be alone with him," he continues.

"Come when you're ready," says Fredo.
I stay with José. "I am sorry for your loss. It was my fault for leaving him alone," I tell him.

"He wouldn't tell you to go if he knew something bad would happen," he says. "No, it is my fault I am sorry," I say.

José stands and looks me in the eye. "Stop blaming yourself for everything. People don't die around you because of you. It is their fate, and they can't change that. Why can't you see that?"

"I am sorry," I say.

"Stop apologizing for something you didn't do!" says José. Then he pulls me closer and hugs me. "Can't you just hug me and quit apologizing. I need it right now. I am so tired," he says.

I slowly put my arms around him and hug him back. This is a new side of José I have never seen. The emotional side of him. I know I shouldn't feel butterflies right now since the man is mourning the death of his brother, but I can't help it. I usually don't hug someone I am not close with.

"Marie, are you not coming?" says Nando.

José and I both turn around and see Nando looking at us. Knowing how Nando might misunderstand our position, José and I both let go. "I'm coming," I say.

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