Chapter Sixteen

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"Wow, that is really--surprising. So where is Ractro right now?" asks Leticia. After eating I tell Leticia everything. I tell her what happened in my world and what I experienced while I was in the cell.

"He's in my backpack. I don't know how Ractro is related to the Lobo, but I think we need to find that diary as soon as we can. I think it will give us clues," I say.

"Yeah, I think so too," she whispers. "Anyways, you can rest by my tent. It is not probably as grand as what your world has, but it is good enough," she says.

"Thank you, Leticia," I say. I follow Leticia to her tent and lay down on the ground.

What have I gotten myself into? I open my backpack and take my scented necklace out. I miss you Ma and Pa. I just wish you're still here. I know you're up there so please take care of Juan and Rosalinda for me. Please take care of us.

Morning arrives and I enter the bamboo house. Everyone, including Patricia, is seated on the floor.

"I am sorry. I got up late," I say. I sit next to Patricia and Nando. "How's Lucas?" I ask her. "He's getting better. Hopefully, he will be able to walk in a few days," she replies.
"That's good," I say.

Fredo and José are discussing something on the other side of the room. José stands up. "All right, so Fredo and I have something to tell you all. Starting from now on children, fifteen and up, will

train. Both men and women. We need to strengthen our group and get ready for a big war that's coming up," says José.

"And you don't send someone to tell us about a big war?" asks a man. He is dressed in all black, a sweatshirt and pants. He has wavy long hair ending just above his shoulder. He's taller than José and Andres and has a strong presence about him. Next to him are other groups of both males and females.

"Diego, how are you?" says José. He walks over and hugs him. "Why didn't you tell me you found the diary?" asks Diego.

"A lot of things happened, my friend, and after the escape, I thought you went somewhere and hid yourself," José says.

"Never. Not now that you have a clue on where we can find her," Diego says.

Patricia approaches the man. She looks as if she has seen a ghost. Her slightly opened mouth and pale face with reddening cheeks says it all. "You're Diego?" Patricia asks.

"Yes, and you are Patricia, am I right? The key to our escape," Diego says. "It is nice to meet you and thank you for freeing all of us," says Patricia. "Nonsense, it was you all who did it." Diego replies.

Is he the boss? Is he the one planning everything? It must be him. He is the leader of the group that Patricia is talking about.

"I knew it was you," José says.

"It was supposed to happen during the festival, but after hearing that you guys were taken. I had to speed things up. You guys are basically my brothers, and brothers help one another, right?" he asks.

"Yeah, brothers always help one another," José repeats. "So, what's the plan?" Diego says.

"We will be training everyone from archery to Kali. Then, we will attack from this side of the mountain," says José. He pulls out a piece of cloth with lines on it.

"A map?" I whisper.
"Yes, we have maps here, Marie," whispers Nando.

I feel my cheeks redden. "It is not that I am dumb. I just want to know how they even drew the map since they can't see the surroundings from up above because in my world we have these small cameras that are like flies," I say.

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