Chapter 6:

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After lots of trying to ask 'Kris' well.. anything, they had to resort to bribes.

"What about this lancer cookie..?

"Some dark dollars?"

"..The moss in the corner of the alleyway?"

"The only thing we have left in your INVENTORY is a Choco Diamond.."
"A what..?" 'Kris' suddenly looked intrested

"A chocolate diamond" Ralsei repeated
"Deal." 'Kris' said, grabbing it out of Ralsei's hands.

Ralsei looked a bit shocked it was that easy but snapped out of it

"Alright, first question. If you aren't Kris who are you."
"My names Chara."

"Why are you here"
"Well I needed a Vessel"

"Why Kris of all people"
"One, they're human, two, they have so much DETERMINATION they won't die without a soul as long as there's a ghost or their alive.

"..Who took Kris' soul"
"Oh thats easy, it was that weird puppet man, what was his name.. Spamton?"

They all heard Banner gasp
"So you have seen him!"

"Wait! If you're friends with that weirdo how can we trust you!" Susie asked the Addison suspiciously, putting her claw on her axe just in case

"Please I'm not here to fight I just want to find my brother."

"What happened to him?" Noelle asked.

"He was like us Addisons.. Just a little different, his sales never seemed to work and the lightners never seemed to look his way.

He started to get desperate, trying to find anyone who would accept his deals, but it never worked.. Until he finally found someone.

"They seemed to be helping him because he was on the phone all the time, his sales skyrocketed and us Addisons became jealous.."

"We stopped hanging out with him, he was a Big shot now, he didnt need us.. Until one day everything came crashing down."

"His helper seemed to dissapear, and he was back to being a nobody, he eventually had to be evicted from the mansion."

"I went to check on him but the room was a mess and he wasnt there, there was only a phone left, he seemed to be in the middle of a call when he left because there was still someone talking through the phone.."

"But when I put the receiver to my ear..
It was nothing but garbage nosie."

Noelle and the others stayed quiet, shocked at what had happened. "Oh gosh I'm so sor-" Chara yawned, looking quite bored

"Wow that story was so boring I wasn't listening, more chocolate now."

Ralsei and Noelle glared at them. Berdly did too as everyone remembered he was there.

"We don't have any chocolate left"

"Oh. Well in that case I won't hesitate to impale you." Chara said before reaching for the knife Susie had, ultimately failing since Susie was taller than them.

Ralsei sighed. "Sorry about that sir, please tell us if you find your brother."

"I will, thank you for listening.."

Banner watched as they left, sadness filling his eyes as he thought about Spamton.

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