Chapter 7:

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Om the way to the garbage dump they started to get lost, dodging cars, sparing enemies (and protecting them from Chara), and eventually they couldnt seem to find their way out of the city.
They were lost, to put it bluntly

"God dammit Ralsei where the h*ll are we??" Susie yelled, startling Ralsei and Noelle.

"Of course this Asriel wannabe would get us lost, I should've known."

"Why are you even here Berdly.."

Ralsei sat down, searching Kris' INVENTORY for any chocolate related ITEMs just to make Chara  cooperate.

He eventually found a lancer cookie with chocolate sprinkles and gave it to Chara, asking if they knew the way to the door.

"Sure just take a left right eight left left right left left."

The fun gang followed these intructions and ended up at a dead end

Chara cackled before saying they made it up and had no idea where they were going.

Ralsei, clearly fed up with Charas bullsh*t, takes the cookie away from them and gives it to Susie who happily accepts the free food despite Charas death glare at the fluffy prince.

Ralsei walks off, the fun gang following. Ralsei had become increasingly annoyed by Chara, they had spent the whole trip messing with him and it was really getting on his nerves.

Ralsei sighed. The sooner they find Kris' soul the sooner he wont have to deal with Chara.

He just hoped they would find it soon.

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