Chapter 2

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One year later.

The plan to find the Mafia gang was still ongoing. My story got leaked through the camera's. Everybody knows. 

Walking out of that interrogation room with everybody stood there staring, I just felt more alone than ever. They didn't care about what happened to me. They only cared about the gossip brought with it. Something to entertain them. I pushed through the crowd with Cameron behind me. 

The crowd parted for as if I was royalty. Head down and hands trembling from the burning eyes I shrugged off the pitying comments. 

Later that day a meeting was held addressing the situation clearly. 

Operation 2.0. 

Hunt the Mafia down and kill them all. That's what it was in my head, however the way M rehearsed it was a lighter way of putting it. 

I'd only been with the secret service for a few professional years. I'd been on one mission. There was a sniper targeting a very successful, but corrupted businessman. If he died, many companies would be brought down into disrepair. My mission was to take the sniper out and evacuate everybody from the building in case a bomb was planted in there. 

Just as i'd imagined, the skyscraper blew up within seconds of evacuating everybody.

I was in hospital for a few weeks recovering from my minor injuries. 

Since then, i'd trained to become a lethal weapon. 24/7 to be the best agent in the field. 

Currently 8am and I was already in trouble. M's assistant told me I was needed in her office. Without scaring the poor messenger, I nodded seriously, shrugged my tight fitting blazer over my shoulders and pulled the top two buttons's together with my free hand. The other was occupied by my tea.

My demeanour screamed bad ass, however I was almost twitching with nerves. Whatever M wanted to talk to me about couldn't be good, otherwise she would have fetched me herself. Unsettling as it was, I knew she was nervous about my arrival all the same. 

I knocked three times on her office door careful not to nick my knuckle on the dent in the wood as I did yesterday. 

"Come in," her frail voice sounded through the cracks in the mahogany door. 

I pushed the double doors open and strode in. 

Taking my seat across from her, I folded my hands into one another in attempt to stop them fidgeting. 

M stared at me coldly for a few, good long seconds. 

"How are you?" she asked, whilst averting her eyes to the grandfather clock in the corner. 


She sighed, "Let's just cut the shit okay, Mia?"


"We both know working alone isn't good for you,"

I smiled tightly, "and we both know we've been over this a million times and as you've already mentioned: I work alone,"

"Mia, I have known you long enough to know your emotions, and quite frankly, they don't range quite far,"

I raised my thick dark brow in amusement. 

"I have arranged to set you up with another new agent of mine for the current mission,"

My face remained stone, though by stomach somersaulted a hundred times. 

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