Chapter 5

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Long time no see readers. Hope you're excited for Christmas cos it's coming up soon!! I may do a christmas chapter on the lead up to the big day when santa squeezes down the chimney, so stay tuned. It's gonna be a long ride peeps...

ALSO...Don't hesitate to comment on any grammar mistakes i've made, i try my best to read through and check my writing but sometimes it does slip past me on the occasion...

I ended up waiting outside the room. They weren't in there long but that didn't calm my seething anger or anxiety. My foot tapped repeatedly on the floor, the sound echoing off the thin white walls. Thoughts on how I acted nicked at my ego and pride. Each small memory from earlier bullying me into a cowering idiot. 

I hope they forgive me- was the angel on my shoulder's words. 

Yet the devil buried deep inside me wanted revenge and it would not stop chanting in my head.

Out of frustration I stood up and swiped the legs from under the chair sending it crashing into the wall. The sound was louder than I expected and soon enough the doors swung open. Maddox Kingsley walked in timidly. He saw me instantly but didn't say anything, his eyes were drawn to the mess i'd made. 

My instincts told me he was going to ask if I was alright, instead he shrugged it off and said, "Pick it up,"

My anger resurfaced. How dare he tell me what to do!

"What?" I spat.

"Pick it up," he replied calmly, he eye flickering slightly out of irritation. 

"Fuck off,"

"You will feel better if you pick it up,"

"Why don't you pick it up or better yet, get out of my sight?"

"Says the girl who had her hands all over me last night,"

"Says the therapy guy,"

"Pick it up,"


"Trust me,"

I scoffed but didn't retaliate.

I sauntered over to the chair like a child being sent to detention and kicked it over so it landed back on all four legs. 


"I can't believe M paired me with this idiot," I muttered under my breath. I turned away to hear him chuckling to himself. I hid a half hearted smile beneath my hands and walked to my office. 


With my pen clicking between my thumb and forefinger I spun on my desk chair, think about how I should word the execution of the alleyway man. I chuckled at the name i'd given him. Somehow, it suited him... perfectly. Or perhaps it should be the dead alleyway man, because he's dead now, get it? I chuckled again. 

I threw the pen back onto my desk, it landed perfectly parallel to the mouse. 

Using my feet as leverage I twirled back round to face my computer. I began writing. 

It took me two hours! Two fucking hours! I couldn't believe the time when I saw it. Seven thirty pm. Half of my bloody day wasted on writing. Jeez. 

Sighing, I grabbed my phone and tucked it into my bag. I slung my bag over my shoulders and turned to face the door when Kingesley opened it. 

"M was worried about you," he said flatly. 

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