Chapter 3

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Smut warning below don't read if this triggers you or find it uncomfortable. You should also know this will be a frequent thing happening throughout the story. Also 006 is said "double o six" like in the james bond movies if you havent seen them. 

"You left him on a main road?" M's irritated down the phone. 

I rolled my eyes, "Yes,"

"What did I f- I mean, what did I say, Mia? What did I bloody say?"

"You said, he's not a toy or someone you can mess around with especially not someone you can leave stranded in the middle of a desert,"

"Exactly," she shouted and I calmly removed the phone away from my ear as she did so. 

"You never said anything about a main road though,"

She groaned, "I've had enough of your shit Mia! You're working with this guy whether you like it or not AND enough with the smart-arse comments!"

"You don't even know the circumstances in which I left him,"

"Go on then, tell me,"

I put the kettle on and popped a tea bag into my favourite mug. It said 'worlds worst agent' on the side of it. I rather liked it. 

"There was a guy, he was following us, I pinned him down asked him who he was and when he didn't say anything useful I shot him in the head,"

"Goddammit Mia! You can't just kill everybody for crying out loud. You should have brought him in for questioning, but yet again you didn't think!"

I poured the boiling hot water into my mug and set it back down. Sliding the cutlery drawer open, I retrieved a tea-spoon and stirred the tea. 

"I did think. He had an Italian accent, he was with the Mafia,"

"So, just because he had an Italian accent he has to be in the Mafia?"

"No, M, it was just a feeling,"

"A feeling? So you walk along a street, someone stole your purse and you had a feeling it was the old lady walking her Poodle so you shoot her?! Is that how it works now?"

"M, listen to me, I asked him who he worked for and he said and I quote 'I thought you were smarter than that'. It wasn't just a feeling, M, I knew,"

She sighed through the other end of the phone. I poured a few drops of milk in the mug and stirred again. 

"Okay, tell me the street name where you shot him," she sounded exhausted but beaten.

"Cobblestone Alley,"

"That's a bit cliche isn't it?"

I didn't reply as I was sipping my tea. I let the taste linger in my mouth a while before taking another sip. The boiling water burnt the inside of my mouth but I didn't feel it, I just relished the sweet taste.

"Okay, thank you for that, i'll send a cleanup team to deal with the body and we might get some clues if the CSI pick anything up. I'll let you know the details as soon as we get it,"


I was about to hang up when she said, "I'll get Mr Pool to take a look at him. You know, see if he recognises him at all, that is if his face isn't too messed up,"

I rolled my eyes, "I only shot him in the head, M, I didn't beat him up,"

"Whatever, oh and I've emailed you Kingley's details,"

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