Chapter 7

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I couldn't tell the time accurately so I presumed it had been an hour since the Italian man left me in this godforsaken room. There were many things I hated about this room but one stuck out like a sore thumb: the chilling breeze that crept upon my almost-bare chest. I had constant goosebumps and chattering teeth. I'm not sure what sucked away my energy but I was incredibly hungry, tired and thirsty. I wondered how often the man would return with something for me to drink. 

Impeding doom snaked it's way round my overthinking brain and made me focus on the reason why im stuck in here. The man would never and i mean never get it into his thick head that I didn't have a fucking clue what the consequences were for my escape. How could I know when I wasn't there? And why ask me now when he's obviously had eyes on me for years. Unless he hadn't.  That would make a lot more sense. Perhaps he's been misinformed on something, I had no idea. But the only consolidation I had was he hadn't been watching me for years. Maybe a few months at most. 

The door opened and in walked the motherfucker that put me down here. Show time. 

"Welcome back," I chirped. 

He raised a brow suspiciously, "horny already Mia? I've only just walked in,"

I faked a small laugh, "i'm always horny, Sir," 

"That actually explains a lot, darling,"

I smiled up at him as he looked down at me, "I didn't catch your name,"

"It's Antonio De Luca, but you can call me whatever if you look like that every time I see you," he winked and I had to hand it to him it was an exceptional wink. Only then did I notice how attractive he was, highlighting the youthfulness of this man, there was no way he was the leader of the Mafia when I was taken. 

I pretended to be flattered by his flirty gesture and said, "Well, Antonio, if i'm not mistaken you don't look a day over twenty,"

"I'm twenty-four. Why the curiosity?"

"I was just wondering..." I let the little mischievous glint in my eye lure him into the fact I was 'horny'.

"Go on," he smirked.

"You couldn't possibly have been the leader of the Mafia when I was taken. You would have only been about three?"

He nodded sternly, "Correct, it was my father who was King at the time," 

One question ticked off the list.

"Anymore questions?" the familiar smirk creeping back up his cheeks.

"Just one more," 

"And what do I get in return for answering said question?"

My heart skipped a beat. I shouldn't have forgotten the only thing this guy is thinking about is sex. Play it cool. You can get out of it. It's going to be okay.

I flicked my hair out of my face, "Anything you want," 

He grinned with perfect teeth, "What's your question?"

"Why now?"


"Why now? Why only reach out to me now if you've been watching me for the past years? What changed?"

Something coming close to panic flashed in his eyes but he tried to shrug it off with a witty response, "You said one question,"

"Well for the trouble," I almost cringed at my words that followed, "you can have triple the prize,"

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