Chapter 8

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"Have you calmed down?" I asked patronisingly. I got not answer, "Here's what's going to happen. You do what I say, when I say and exactly how I say to get both of us out of here,"

He snickered like I was the most stupid person he'd ever met, "And if I don't?"

"I'll put a bullet in your head,"

"No you won't because you need me to escape,"

I sighed, "No, I don't, your just extra baggage I would rather leave at the airport. I kept you alive for my own sanity which I don't really need so I will not hesitate killing you. I have escaped this place before. I can do it again,"


"Here's what I need from you. A phone for starters,"

"There's my phone in that drawer over there," 

I went over to it and pulled open the drawer and to my surprise there actually was a phone in there. I turned it on and asked him the password.

"It's my finger print,"

I groaned in annoyance. I put the phone against his first finger and it turned on.

I found the call button and dialled Cammy's number. The only number I had recognised and remembered over the years. 

He picked up on the first ring, "Cammy?"

"Mia? Mia? What the fuck are you doing, where are you?"

"Calm down i'm okay,"

"CALM DOWN?!" he yelled, I flinched, "How can I calm down? You've been missing nearly a week. No messages, no calls no traces or anything. We search your apartment only to find it trashed and a fucking picture of you with a knife sticking out of it. I'm not fucking joking when I say I had my first heart-attack because I fucking did!" 


"MIA! Where the hell are you? I'm coming straight away,"

"Just let me speak please,"

"It better be worth my while Mia. I need to know who to put on my hitlist,"

"Alright, but you need to promise not to flip,"


"Because I really can't handle it right now. I'm hanging on by a thread and really contemplating either putting a bullet in my head or his," I clenched my jaw at the sight of Antonio's face.

"Who's his? Who are you with?"

"Cammy! Promise me not to flip,"

"I promise, now tell me the fucks going on,"

"So I was walking back to my apartment however many nights ago and I was on the phone to Kingesely and when I got in my apartment it had been turned upside down and like you said there was my picture with the knife. When I saw what was written on it I passed out cold. I woke up in what I thought was hospital. Then I realised I wasn't and was drugged. I then woke up tied to a chair in a dark room. This man was there called Antonio De Luca,"

"ANTONIO DE LUCA?! The Mafia Boss?"

"Cammy, just listen please,"

"Sorry carry on,"

"We got talking- he got mad because I couldn't give him an answer to his question I actually didn't know the answer to and he split my top in half so I was almost fucking naked on my top half,"

"What the fuck?!"

"I know anyway he left me there for a few hours and came back and that's when I had this plan. I was going to seduce him to get out of here. It worked. He brought me to his room. We were making out you know all that stuff,"

Mia's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora