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Mark agreed he had a slightly solemn nature. But that didn't mean he was "old" at heart.

Marilyn said he was. The last night, he had been leaving for Idgard - his last year in the Council and he would spend it nestled in Akwanda? No chance. But when he had sat down for a minute, to relax, he had slipped into deep memories from long gone days. Until Marilyn had shouted right into his ear, "are you alive?!" and shook him out of them. Then she had claimed that she had been calling out his name for the past five minutes.

'If you squeak, Mary-' He had begun, but she had interrupted him.

'I've been shouting, Mr. Fannel!' Marilyn had informed. Since she had never appreciated the idea of them staying apart for a whole year - even if Mark pointed out that he would be back every weekend - he had decided to take a step back.

'Alright - I'm sorry, guess I was too lost in thought.' He had ceded.

'You'll make a fine spy. Lost in your own thoughts.' Marilyn had grumbled, 'it's a sure sign of aging.' She had added. When Mark had reminded her that she was only a few months younger, she had waved it off. 'I'm young at heart.' She had claimed.

'You mean I'm "old" at heart?' He had demanded.

'Spot on.' Marilyn had replied, cheerfully. At least she was "cheerful" - that was always a big relief.

But right now, sitting in the Council Office alone, he wondered where Kane was. That man was never late - unless he was doing some "work". And if he was, Mark could just as well turn into a skeleton sitting there all his life, but Kane Alden wouldn't arrive.

He wondered what Diana could be doing. His eyes travelled to the Council's training grounds. Somewhere there, Aaron Watson - in his second year right now - would be learning combat.

Time flew.

But Mark still wondered how that imp of a man had won Diana over. Right from when he had seen Watson for the very first time - Mark had been sure that they wouldn't see eye to eye. And then his skirmishes with Alexandra, the worst of all being that it was his plan to tip her off in the Second Year's test. But Alexandra had forgiven and forgotten - and over time, that had become a joke.

Mark had thought Alexandra would be the one to fall for unusual men. He had thought she would be the one to need some sense hammered into her. He had thought Diana was sensible enough, while sometimes fearing that Alexandra would end up with Watson - but...

But things had turned out vastly different. Somebody named Liam - who Mark had earlier thought was miles above their ordinary lives - had made a dazzling entrance and booked Alexandra. What was more, he wouldn't stop there. Mark knew he had been doing that upon Alexandra's insistence. Whatever the reason had been, that king had had a way with words. For approximately three hours he had pointed out how Diana and Watson made a perfect pair - when even he knew they didn't. 'He's got no maturity!' Mark had argued, pointing to Watson who had taken the disparaging rather meekly, 'they will fall apart within two months!'

'If he is ready to bear a hostile and near-to-abusive brother-in-law like you, Mark, just for Miss Diana's sake, I daresay that is mature enough.' Liam had shrugged. That night's scene had been as if they were gambling - and needless to say, Liam had had better cards. Mark had turned to look at Alexandra once, who had sat perched upon the arm of Liam's chair. She had had a slightly sorry expression, as if she had wanted to tell him, come on, Brother, surrender! You can't win this.

Of course he had given in. The alternatives hadn't been appealing. And the times he had spent with Diana in Vellesmere had been enough for him to know that whatever else she showed, Diana had kept the softest corner of her heart for him.

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