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Natalia had no idea how to explain Ryan to Ophelia.

The man at the door... the provoking freak. Ryan. He smiled at Ophelia's raised sword, and Natalia knew he was just amused. But to anyone who didn't know Ryan, this would look like a challenge. Especially to a warrior princess. And somehow, she didn't want to interrupt. The energy between these two was overwhelming - they were beyond her, at a pedestal she could never reach. Her words could never make any difference to them.

What she didn't know was that the warrior princess was starved for a duel. For any opportunity to scrape the rust off her sword.

Natalia closed her eyes, she had never been good with words, how was she ever going to make make a man fall in love with her!?

'Calm down,' she told herself, taking a deep breath, in which Ryan descended the stairs to the chamber and approached Ophelia calmly. His attire didn't give away who he was. He was in a habit of wearing thin fabrics of the poor. He hadn't gotten himself accustomed to the Royal robes yet. Or maybe, the fabrics were intentional. He didn't want anybody to know who he was. If that was the case, Natalia wondered if she should tell Ophelia...

'Don't take a step forward.' Ophelia hissed.

'Why though,' Ryan asked, 'I have not posed any threat to anybody here. Look, I'm unarmed.'

Probably Ophelia had people in her life because of whom, she did not believe that an unarmed warrior was harmless. Her sword wasn't raised any further, but it didn't dip either. Her eyes were shrewd and cold, and even Natalia had to accept, mesmerising.

'Give me your introduction and my sword will go away. The orders were clear - no men inside the chamber.'

'Ophelia, he's-' Natalia began, but she caught sight of Ryan's face and stopped. Okay, she was not in this.

'Go on then, try your sword on me. Let's see,' a tiny smirk formed, 'what the Vedessans have.'

Natalia thought that Ophelia would simply launch into an attack, but the latter's mind worked before her limbs. She frowned, 'You seem to know a lot about me.'

'Quite only a little actually.' He replied, modestly. Then smiled fully, 'But I would love to learn more. Everything, about such a stunning lady.'

Then Ophelia's mouth turned down with disgust.

But it was not that she charged at him. When she pulled her blade out completely, it was long, nasty thing with a gleam on both its edges and a surprisingly straight body. Her move was single and fluid, it didn't take her more than a second to slash in the air (it seemed to Natalia) and then sheath her sword back.


The thin string around Ryan's neck, again a poor man's locket, snapped clean a moment after Ophelia had sheathed her sword back.

I could have taken your neck, but this is only a warning.

'I do not assume that we'll be dueling,' she said, in a calm hiss. Somehow, she felt him to be an amateur. Inexperienced and young. And while Ryan was young, he was none of the rest - as much Natalia knew.

And maybe, just maybe, Natalia was a little afraid of this foreign princess now. So, she was naturally surprised when Ryan smiled again.

Not an impressed smile, not exactly so, still very close to an impressed one.

He did not bend to pick the locket up, instead, pointed to a very slight, red mark on his throat.

'Did you mean for this to happen as well? I'm sure not.'

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