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So you know how most people headcannon both Grian and Phil to be birbs? Well what about them being elytrians from origins smp? I know Phil is canonically one but I want another crossover. Also I just saw the new mob vote and I want scar to be an allay now

The younger elytrian took his brothers hand and flapped his wings as hard as he could, trying to fly away from the humans. When they were high enough, they looked down and saw the hunters. The hunters were holding up swords and torches. "How far do you think we should go?"
"..." the eldest of the two kept staring down with a terrifying look. "They have bows and arrows. We won't be able to get away." The bows started firing away at them. "GAH!"  The black winged one was hit. And hit, and hit. They kept trying to get farther and farther, but it was harder to fly with the arrows. Finally, the older one made the decision. "Keep flying, let me go."
"Just do it, I'll be fine."
"NO!" Their eyes met. "...fine." Once they landed, they shared a hug. "Don't die, ok?"
"I got it."
"I love you Grian."
"I love you too Phil."

Grian looked at the pictures he and his brother had taken. "I wonder where he is now." He said.
"Wonder where who is?" And there's Mumbo. "Oh, just someone I knew from my old flock." It was still weird being surrounded by so many humans, but he's come to love them. Platonically of course.
Mumbo sat down beside his friend, looking at the pictures he was going through. "Do you..." he paused. "miss your friends in the flock? Would you have them stay with you over us?" That was a hard question to answer. The people in the Hermit village were amazing, but he had grown up with the flock all his life "hm... I would like to have a bit of both! Yeah, both."
"Well that makes sense! I was scared that you would leave your best friend." Mumbo looked out the window. "Let's go outside, it's really nice."

The hermit village was a place where both humans and creatures lived together.  At first, Grian was a bit skeptical about the humans there. He wouldn't come out of his house for the first week or so just to get away from him. After all, every human was a lying, cheating, jerk who only decide to go with something if it helps them aswell. Well boy was he wrong!

~~(time skip 3 days and switch to first person spoon)~~~

Ok, today is the day before grian's birthday. Me and iskall decided to make a party for him and invite everyone. It was a great plan, then we forgot one thing. The present. Oh gosh, how are we going to find something he would like?
I turn to iskall. "So do you have any ideas?"
"Well one... but it's kinda risky."

~~~(the next day in birbs pov)~~~

"Weird..." the town was almost deserted. As he walked around, he saw a cardboard piece with an arrow on it. Picking it up, he turned it over. "Go the way the arrow points!" In neat and straight handwriting.
"I guess I go to the meadow then."
Then it went black.

He felt himself moving, being pushed by someone. This is it, isn't it? I'm gonna die now at any moment. He was getting kidnapped. For what felt like hours(yet it was only a few minutes,) he just kept repeating that thought in his head. The blindfold was uncovered from his face and he was suddenly in the meadow.
"SURPRISE!" There Everyone was, jumping up to surprise their friend on his birthday. (This is where my writing starts to deteriorate in quality cuz the sheer amount of extroverts on the bus screaming at the top of their lungs)
"Happy birthday Grian!" Mumbo ran over to him and hugged him really tight "thanks, but I think I would wanna breathe for my birthday"
"Oh sorry! Now come on, it took us way to long to make and plan this just for you to sit there!"

~~~(first person grian's pov)~~~

The party was amazing! Stress was the one who made the cake and gosh was it delicious! After cake, I was told to close my eyes for a surprise.
"Ok, open your eyes!" I take my hands off my face and gasp in surprise.

"Hey there, it's been a little while."

Probably gonna come back to finish this maybe, but I need to start working on my other book. You guys can make up an ending in the comments. :3 have a great day/night guys and girls and breakfast foods!


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