A carefully thought out plan

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This is a rewrite of an old draft and based off of a TikTok by mikaila1323, their cosplays are awesome!


"Please X you need to let me in, my life and freedom are on the line!" Grian was almost sobbing at this point. "If I stay like this, i could be killed or worse, sent back to the watchers!"
Xisuma took pity on the poor man. He had only taken a foolish deal- from what he'd heard from him and mumbo- then got tricked into a cult and now running for his life.
"Ok. i can see you're a great builder, and could fit right in with the rest of the hermits, that and your... situation-" Xisuma didn't want to dwell on it too much, "-seems like you could benefit from being here. I'll send you the invite soon, and that'll have all the information you need." The life seemed to return to Grian's eyes as his smile went wide.
"Oh thank you! Thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me!" Grian was just about to jump onto Xisuma for a hug but he stopped himself just before. "I- wait- is it ok if I hug you?" He sheepishly asked.
"Sure, that's ok!" Xisuma opened his arms for the hug. Xisuma was happy he helped Grian. He felt like a nice guy, and seemed amazing from what Mumbo had told him. After all, GenerikB had originally created hermitcraft as a safe haven. Something felt off though. It was probably just his paranoia.


It wasn't that hard, getting into hermitcraft.  All he really needed to do was lie. He already had a good bond with Mumbo, who was already in the server. Then all he had to do was string up some lie about bring tricked into joining the watchers and running for his life and sob to the sympathetic Admin.
What a fool, he was.
Honestly, it didn't have to be hermitcraft, as long as it was a private server with valuable players. It just so happened to be the one he had connections to someone in.
Oh how the High Watcher will love him now!
After getting in, he just had to act normal, get affiliated with the players there. Again, not to hard as everyone there was nice. Of course, knowing what would happen he kept He did his part, making farms and bases and such. Occasionally, he tried to put the hermits in a state of chaos, as doing so might be able to put the force field out of balance and hopefully a crack, as he's heard has been done in anarchy servers.

Sure, he may feel a bit of sadness for what will happen to the people here, but it doesn't matter. He's done this time and time again. Get into a server, find a position of power, maybe cause a bit of chaos to create a crack, then let the others take it from there.
He'll just take Mumbo and leave, letting him go unharmed. It's that easy!


The day of the elections was today, and it was the end to the mayoral campaign. Scar was pumped. He had put so much work into his campaign with Bdubs and it was finally going to pay off. Or not, that was fine to.

Once everyone had gotten to the portal, Grian came up onto the podium. Scar kind of turned out everything till when Grian had started saying who won.
Turns out Joe got the dog catcher title, but also he was the only one who ran.
"And now, the Mayor of hermitcraft is..."
The suspense was killing him.
"No one." Grian smirked almost maliciously. Gasps were heard throughout the crowd, some asking if it was a draw or there weren't enough votes. The portal behind Grian started to crack, and it became a broken portal with who dots at the corners. It was still open and working though, and a tall winged angel(?) creature dressed in purple and gold walked through. She walked(or floated? It was hard to tell) Towards Grian and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ.  Your help was greatly appreciated." Her voice was almost entrancing, yet repulsing. It was like a thousand voices spoke at once, but only one was clearly heard. "We will now take it from here."
"Glad to help, my excellence."
The being said something to Grian in a foreign language and then seemed to dismiss him as he nodded at her and walked through the portal, which was when scar noticed something.
Grian had purple wings. His eyes also had a hint of purple. Memories flashed through scar's head, as he realized Grian might've always been this way.

The attacks came quick. The other angels seemed to flood in as soon and Grian left and now, they were everywhere. Scar barely had time to process what was happening before he started to fight one of them. They were armed with purple magic, same as their armor. Scar searched the battle, and almost everyone was there but Mumbo.
He had been good friends with Grian, almost brothers. What had happened to him? Had they taken him in his shock? He looked pretty shocked. There wasn't time to think though, there was only enough time to do.


The server was in flames. How? Why? Xisuma had been checking the field everyday and been taking the right precautions, but it wasn't enough.

He sat, defeated. How could he have let this all happen? Now the watchers had gotten in, and it was his fault. He was too stupid to listen to his gut. The world he inherited was dying and he had to go down with it.
He couldn't live past the death of the server because his code- his very being- was connected to the server.
He watched as the server started to disintegrate.
This is it I guess, the end.
He stared up at the sky, hoping that Notch would hear his cries and take him to a better place and keep his friends safe.
"Notch save them." We're the last words he uttered before in tears, he became nothing.


Hi! I'm back from my death! This is a long one for me, so I hoped you enjoyed it!
Anyways, have a great day/night guys and girls and breakfast foods!

Impulsively made mcyt stuff :)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora