Closer to Me

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Two months later, Olivia rushed through the airport in Las Vegas to get to her Uber.

It was now around 5, and the rest of the group had arrived late that morning. Olivia would be getting there with just enough time to throw on a change of clothes for their first night.

Just as she settled into the car for a 20 minute drive, her phone buzzed with a text. Spencer.

You landed ok?

She couldn't help but smile a bit.

In an Uber, see you all in 20!

Olivia couldn't help but think about the past two months, starting from the moment she had gotten his gift at her office. It had started when she texted him to thank him.

Thank you for the gift. Not stressed yet but I still enjoyed eating anyway. 😊


Then she had started looking for things for the group to do in Vegas and started sending them to him. They were usually serious ideas but on occasion... well, she couldn't help but tease.

Like when she had found a fortune teller-themed escape room and sent it to him.

You in?

Absolutely not. Nice try though

Come onnnnn

Things had snowballed from there. What had started as talking to plan the Vegas trip had turned into texting each other a couple times a week about anything— from the wedding to something one of them saw that they thought the other would like.

You seriously would like Squid Games, Liv

You know I can't watch shit like that by myself, Spencer. Trying to give me nightmares???

Don't be a scaredy cat

Like you're scared of psychics?

Girl, no one is scared

Olivia was nervous to see him. She wasn't sure how to act after the way things had changed over the past two months. She definitely couldn't use her default response: putting on her track shoes and avoiding. 

She kept trying to tell herself that there was no need to make it A Thing and that this trip was about Jordan and Simone anyway.

Of course, that was mostly tossed out the window before she even got into the house. As her Uber stopped in the massive house's driveway, Spencer came bounding from the house and took her bag from the driver.

"Hey, Liv." He quickly kissed her cheek as he pulled her large bag from her shoulder. "Hey," she smiled quickly as she followed him inside.

She felt sorely underdressed next to him in her travel sweats with a silk scarf wrapped around the top of her braids. He looked amazing in his navy plaid dress pants and a short-sleeved, off white knit top that emphasized his broad chest.

"Woah," Olivia said in awe as she walked into the beautiful mansion. "Nice work finding this." He just winked at her as they turned the corner to the living room.

"Liv!" Jordan had his arms around her in seconds, spinning her around. She laughed, "and you talk about me when we see each other, you're just as bad! I'm not even crying this time."

"Yeah yeah, I don't want to hear it." As he pulled away, she saw that he was also dressed up and glanced around the room, noticing Zach and Asher also dressed and waving to them.

She quickly made her excuses to escape upstairs, pulling her bags from Spencer despite his protests.

Five minutes down. Only two and a half days to go.

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