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Olivia moved around the massive kitchen island early the next morning, which was scattered with gifts. She had turned the tv on for background noise and didn't bother changing the channel from ESPN, the last thing the guys had been watching before they all went out last night.

Olivia had mini gift baskets for everyone and worked to put them together while she knew everyone would be sleeping off their hangovers. For the girls and guys, she and Spencer had hangover kits, gold personalized flasks and personalized robes. For just the girls, they had cute personalized compact mirrors and makeup bags. For just the guys, they had cigars. She and Spencer had also picked some matching bride and groom shirts for Jordan and Simone, knowing they would eat that up.

As she walked around the island filling each labeled basket while humming and occasionally glancing at the tv, someone spoke behind her.

"Morning." Olivia jumped and bumped into a basket and turned to find Spencer walking towards her in sweats and a T-shirt.

"Jesus, you scared me." He smiled and said, "my bad," but didn't really look sorry. "Can I help?"

"Uh, sure. Want to finish the guys' baskets?"

They moved in silence for a few minutes. Neither of them had spoke to each other after their dance last night.

"Hey, about last night—"

"Spencer, can we not? It was just a dance. Everything is fine."

He watched her for a moment and opened his mouth to respond but they both caught his name on the tv and turned to see a photo of him on ESPN's program.

"We're hearing rumblings about a potential trade for Cardinals wide receiver Spencer James. Sources close to James, who is one of the NFL's best receivers, say he has been open to the discussion..."

Olivia frowned and turned to him, "Is everything okay? Do you actually want to be traded?"

"Everything is fine Liv, don't worry about that this weekend."

She gave him a look. She was aware that she had just used the 'everything is fine' line with him 10 seconds ago but found herself annoyed when he did it. "Spence—"

She was cut off by Jordan and Simone stumbling into the kitchen.

"Hey sleepyheads," Olivia said. "Need coffee?"

"ASAP," Jordan sighed. "Please," Simone added. Simone caught sight of the baskets while Spencer was already moving to make coffee. "Aww, you all made these for everyone? This is adorable!"

Olivia grinned, "thankfully, everyone has a hangover kit. Here," she handed them each their basket and watched happily as they excitedly pulled stuff out.

Spencer set their coffees next to them and joined Olivia in watching them. Simone set her basket aside and jumped up, flinging her arms around them both and pulling them into a hug. "Thank you both for doing all this. We couldn't have picked a better best man and maid of honor. I love you both."

"You know we got you, always," she heard Spencer say. Olivia felt Jordan join the group hug and relaxed into their circle. "That's what family is for."

"Shots for the bride and groom," Keisha shouted as she walked across the boat to Jordan and Simone while Drake blared through the speakers.

They were spending the afternoon on a boat in Lake Las Vegas with the beautiful desert as their backdrop.

Spencer watched them down the shots as the group cheered and Olivia leaned over to whisper to him, "remind me to make everyone drink some water in 15 minutes or less for damage control." He chuckled.

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