story starter #3

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When they opened the door, there was a small, shivering mass huddled in the corner...

It was a tiny baby.

' what was it doing out in the cold?' Emily had thought. ' it must be starving.'

She picks up the swaddled baby and brought it into her house.

She found some food to give the infant. It was some warmed milk.

She then heard a knock on the door. She carefully lay the infant down in the floor away from all dangerous objects. Sure that the baby was safe she went to answer the door.

When she opened it she saw a random woman. She looked well put together and unmother-like. Not saying Emily was expecting the mother of this child to be knocking on the door. Cause she wasnt.

" can I help you?" Emily asked.

The woman just stared. She looked over Emily's shoulder and yelled " YOU TOOK MY BABY!"

Knowing the truth Emily replied, " No I didnt ma'am. I think you need to leave."

" thats my baby in there!" She continued to scream and shove her way into the house.

Emily used all of her strength to push out this CRAZY lady once she heard the baby cry.

Once she locked the door she called the cops and got full custody of the infant.

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