On the Left

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    It was October 12th of 1993. I was in a small quiet town. I had just recently moved there. 

    “Mom, do I have to go?” 

    “ Yes sweetie. Now come downstairs and get your stuff to leave.” 

That's what I assumed all mothers had told their kids when they asked if they actually had to go to school. Or at least that was always my mom's answer. 

    I ran down the huge flight of stairs and almost tripped. Talk about being a klutz. I finally made it to the front door. With a granola bar, my backpack, and a cup of water in hand I started the journey to this horrid new highschool. 

    I wasn't too short. I was only 5’3. Everyone seemed to tower over me though. Like walking in a large, empty, cold, eerie city with just super tall skyscrapers, shops, restaurants, and it just makes you have the hair on the back of your neck stand up. It wouldn't be too difficult to get lost.  It smelled sour. Not like those gummy worms, but like when something has been molded and smells like soured milk. The building didn’t look old. Maybe they just covered it up with paint. Nothing seemed logical of why it would smell like that though. 

    I gave up on the idea shortly after. I really needed to find this class. What was it again? Phycology? That's what it looked like, at least spelling wise.   Surely that's what it is. What's the room number? 307. 2 hallways down and I had 1 minute before I was late. 2 hallways down and on the left. On the left. Left. Walking down those corridors something seemed off. There weren't any doors on the right. On the left. There aren't any windows to let any light in on the right side. Just a brick wall. On the left. 

    I just brushed it off. I had finally found it. 5 minutes later. As any other awkward teenager, I hesitated. Standing in front of the door of a classroom full of  all new peers. I decided to just use all of my motivation to open the door.  Just my luck I'm late, everyone is staring at me, and there is another girl introducing herself. That was my only sense of relief. I'm not the only one who is new around here. She was tall, like 6’ at least. Pretty golden eyes, shining like if someone were to put a bar of gold in direct sunlight. Her dress was long, silky and maybe a lavender color? Blonde hair, no not blonde, more red. It was strawberry blonde with grey and golden highlights to make it appear more blonde and perfect. Perfect. Hm no, organized and put together. She wasn't a twig and she definitely wouldn't be the size for one of those “ My 600 lb. life” episodes. She was proportional I guess that's the word. Her body is one of those things that play tricks on people. She looks skinny but could secretly be 200 lbs. She rocks it though. 

As I tried my best to secretly ask the teacher where I needed to sit, the staring continued. The beady eyes seemed to watch me, like I was prey and at any moment the hunter could strike. 

“ Are you Ava?”

    “ Yes, ma’am.”

Could this be any worse? Gulping down all of the courage I had so I could muster the words that it was indeed my name. 

“ Sit on the 2nd row and on the left. After Corilin finishes you will need to come up and introduce yourself.” 

On the left.  What is it with these people with the left? 

Almost what felt like 2 hours, it was my turn. What did they need to know about me? I think they had all figured out the following: 

I'm a klutz

I hate talking

I have horrible time management skills

I wasn't looking for trouble so I just started to babble. The room went silent. I swear I think that they could quite literally hear my heart racing. Almost similar to what you would hear through a stethoscope .  While talking I subconsciously glance around the room. On the left. Everything was slightly tilted to the left. Off center but slightly left. Left.  

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