I love you

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What if the phrase "I love you" didn't mean anything in the real world.

A girl that lives in my mind tells me that no one is able to love me. I know they do, but i just don't feel it. I don't think im worthy of love.

Only an overthinking mind takes over. The constant need for reassurance. The clinginess that comes with it like a dog following every command. The constant looking and reading into your words and trying to twist them so I wont get hurt again.

Maybe. Just maybe, he does love me...
Its just I cant see his love. The love he has to give me in private because the world thinks that his form of affection is making him soft.

Sometimes that's all the type of affection that a person needs. One that doesn't need to hide. The type that makes you vulnerable. We shouldn't let the world decide that a mans masculinity is what defines or restricts the way he should love someone.

So maybe "I love you" has a different meaning to each person. Or better yet it has a different view to different people.

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