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I woke up in the training room with the most painful headache no one could imagine. I couldn't even blink without pain. I looked around without moving. Bertrand and Vlad were talking about something, but I was too weak to listen. 

"Bertrand?" I chocked. Before I could do anything both of them was towering over me with concern.

"Are you alright?" Vlad said with worry in his voice.

"No." I said closing my eyes. I felt someone slap me round my face. That just caused more pain. My eyes shot open and glared at them. Bertrand was the one with the guilty face. I didn't do anything, in fear I might hurt myself. "Whats wrong with me?" I asked. They exchanged glances. 

"Vladimir has now agreed  that she is after us and considering you two can see the shape shifter somehow, we have to at least be in the same room as each other." Bertrand said bending down to come level to me. I heard this light chuckle in my ear then it disappeared. "Does it hurt?" he said generally worried. 

"Yes." I said really wanting to sleep but fighting the urge. I slowly turned my head to him. It really hurt and he could see it in my eyes. "Every time I move." I said barley above a whisper. He placed a hand on my head, but removed it as soon as he touched me. He looked at Vlad, who had a worried expression on his face. "What?" I just managed to say.

"Are you still angry?" Bertrand asked.

"At dad, yes." I said closing my eyes. I half expected a slap around the face, but nothing came. 

"Leave her Bertrand. Let her sleep." was the last thing I heard until I fell asleep.

I woke up to see nothing but  black. I lifted my hand with no pain and pushed open the lid of my coffin. Light blinded me and the lid dropped shut again. 


There was silence for a minute so called him again.  "Vlad." I said loudly. The lid opened again and the light blinded me. I hissed and closed my eyes. Someone covered my eyes and from the scent, I new it was Vlad. He slowly took his hands away from my eyes, letting my eyes get used to the light. When he had fully removed his hand he asked,

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I think. How long have I been here? Where's Bertrand?" I asked worried.

"Bertrand's fine, he's just teaching the scraps. You've been here for a few hours." he said handing me a glass of blood. 

"So what's troubling my brother then?" I asked smiling.

"I really wish you wouldn't do that." he muttered.

"Fine, just tell me what is troubling you." I said leaning on my hands. He sighed and sat down in the wooden chair.

"It's Erin, she hates me." he said sadly.

"Why does she hate you?" 

"Because I turned her into a vampire." he muttered. If I had been drinking I would of spat it out at him.

"But being a vampire is great, you live forever, you get unnatural powers that breathers could only dream of having. What is wrong with her?" I said getting out of the coffin and walking over to him.

"But she didn't want to be turned into a vampire." he argued.

"Then why did you?"

"Because she was dying." he said looking up at me.

"Well she should be happy, you saved her life out of love?" I asked and guessing from the look on his face, he did. "Come here." I said opening my arms to give him a hug. He looked a little confused but excepted the embrace.

The chosen one's twin (Young Dracula fan fiction) ON HOLD!Where stories live. Discover now