Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life II)

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Oh for christ sake!" I grunted in my pillow while trying to turn off my annoying alarm clock, once I turned it off, I took glance over the clock and it said 6:30am "Just a few more minutes" I then buried my face in the pillow and went back to sleep

After what felt like a 5 minutes I opened my eyes, looked at the clock, I gasped when I saw it was already 7:14am! I then jumped out of the bed and into the bathroom "Bloody hell! I'm going to be late! Why does time fly by so fast when you're sleeping!?!" 

I didn't bother doing my morning skincare routine and just splashed my face with water and brushed my teeth. I grabbed the first thing I saw in my closet which was a grey with black stripes that also has a black lacing in the inner side of the dress, pairing it with grey heels, I pulled out a fluffy cardigan too because it is quite chilly outside

Putting too much makeup would be a hassle right now, so I just dabbed in a little bit of contour under my eyes just to reduce the redness, then put on a lipstick, not too much, just enough to give some life to my lips. 

I looked at myself in the mirror "Mmm, do I have to do my hair?...Nahh!" then I just sprayed it with dry shampoo to give it more volume and smell nicer, took some jewellery and my bag, then I was ready to go 

Nahh!" then I just sprayed it with dry shampoo to give it more volume and smell nicer, took some jewellery and my bag, then I was ready to go 

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Your Whole Look

"Time. Time. Time! What time is it?! OH MY GOD!" I screeched when I realised it was 7:23am. I hurried in my car and drove off to the place I needed to be "God! Today you're going to meet your cast for a film you're going to be in and yet, here you are! Running late!"

Little back story: it's been 4 years since I've first started in the acting industry and it's been fun so far! Unless you're running late. I've met a lot of great actresses and actors. I've met Cate Blanchett, Chris Evans, Olivia Colman, Clair Foy, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Holland and so many more

The first movie I started on was The Guy With Two Faces, I'm not going to say too much about the movie aside that it is about a guy that has two personalities and I play their love interest. My character; Lily Heisenberg was also through some problems and having a boyfriend with two identities wasn't helping making my role have a lot of mental issues (made up movie by the way)

Ever since my role in The Guy With Two Faces, I've gotten more request for other roles, but this time it is with famous actors and actresses.

Johnny Depp is one of the actors that I've played along with the most. I've played his friend, enemy, relative and even love interest. He's an amazing friend to be around with, I've learned a lot from him 

Okay, enough with the background and let's go back to where I am which is in the parking lot

I gazed upon my phone "Alright! I still have 5 minutes!" I then began slowly run my way to the facility, where the meeting was going to be held. As I was running I didn't see the car making a sharp turn, driving at the speed of lighting 

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