Let the reactions begin

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A/N: Hello everyone! Hope you guys are doing alright. Some important information is given below, do read it before starting. This takes place after year 2 volume 4.

"..." : speech.

'...' : thought.

... : monologue.

Ayanokouji POV

When I woke I saw everyone sleeping on their seats in a hall with a large screen in the front. Every first-year, second-year and third-year and even Manabu and Tachibana-senpai were also there.

Kiyotaka: 'The last thing I remember I was sleeping in my room. This certainly isn't my room and nor this was any place inside the school.'

I saw Kei sleeping on my right and Horikita on my left. I shock both their shoulders, however both of them didn't woke up. Before I could try to wake them again, the screen in the front lit up.

???: [Hello, Ayanokouji-kun.]

Kiyotaka: "Hello. Who are you?"

???: [I am start. I am the end. I am everything. I am nothing]

Kiyotaka: "I see. What should I call you then?"

???: [You can call me Infinity]

Kiyotaka: "Okay, then Infinity. Why am I here? and why is everyone else asleep."

Infinity: [You guys are now in a different dimension. For your first question, I am going to show you guys some quotes which are said throughout your school years and first make you guys guess who said it. And the reason everyone is asleep is for the question I am going to ask you now.]

Kiyotaka: "What is it?"

Infinity: [How about I give you emotions for these quotes and reactions.]

Kiyotaka: "Why do you want to do that?"

Infinity: [Well, I have seen many parallel universe where they make you people react but you are the main character and only you don't have any reactions.]

Kiyotaka: "I don't really get it but I'm also curious to see myself react like everyone else."

Infinity: [It's decided then.] 

*Snap* a sound came and it became silent again.

Kiyotaka: "Hmm, I don't feel any difference."

Infinity: [Oh, don't worry about it. It'll be a surprise for you and everyone else. So it'll take effect after the reaction starts.]

Kiyotaka: "Alright, but before that you should wake them up, right?"

Infinity: [Yeah.]

*Snap* again a sound came and everyone started waking up. Kei who was next to me was also confused like everyone else. However, she relaxed after seeing me.

Kei: "Where are we, Kiyotaka?"

Kiyotaka: "In a different dimension, probably. I also don't know exactly. That screen can answer all the questions you have."

Kei: "Eh? Really?"

Kiyotaka: "Yeah"

Horikita: "Nii-san, why are you here?"

Manabu: "Oh, Suzune. I was sleeping at home, however I woke up here."

Horikita: "I was also the same, how about you Ayanokouji-kun?"

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