Horikita Suzune's flaw

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(A/N: We only got one suggestion for this chapter. I was waiting for more suggestions to come up. Ah,....why are you guys so cruel to me?. Please comment more suggestions.

Okay, Now that I have plead and used emotional card to readers. Let's get started. But I truly want you guys to suggest some ideas.)

3rd Person POV

Infinity: [Now, only class A is behind. Talk about irony.]

Arisu: "Fufufu. Aren't you cruel to us, why only our class didn't get involved in quotes?"

Infinity: [Well, you guys didn't get in contact with the interesting being I was watching till a later stage.]

Arisu: "Fair enough. I also regret not meeting him the moment he arrived."

Kiyotaka: "Did you also stalk me, Infinity?"

Infinity: [No, I didn't. I read all of it after it ended. I mean, I am still reading it.]

Kiyotaka: "Okay. Continue then."

Kiyotaka: 'Does it mean that there is a book about my doings in the school? Does it have information on White Room also? Does it only have recordings of the school or even after that?'

Infinity: "Yes, yes and I don't know, as I have not reached that point."

Kiyotaka: *Sigh* 'Alright.'

Infinity: [Okay now will talk about someone's defect or flaw.]

Ryuuen: "Defect, it means they will be from class D."

Infinity: [Naturally.]

Arisu: "Fufufu. This is interesting."

Infinity: [Okay, next quote is.]

"I don't know what abilities I have, but I see what you don't. It's the one flaw on seemingly perfect person known as Horikita Suzune."

Kiyotaka: 'Ah, it's from that time.'

Horikita: "Are we seriously doing this?"

Infinity: [Yes.]

Arisu/Ryuuen: 'It's definitely Ayanokouji-kun/Monster.'

Infinity: [Well, we didn't get any suggestions for this chapter, so let's get it over with. Who do you think said it?]

Kiyotaka: 'What does he mean by chapter? Don't tell me he is making records for what's happening here...' he had a surprised look on his face, which gathered so much attention.

Arisu: "What happened, Ayanokouji-kun? You look surprised."

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, now that's a surprise. What surprised you so much that you are surprising us with that surprised look. Share it with us."

Everyone listened to the leaders of 2 classes and also found it interesting, however Kiyotaka realized that because of infinity, he had made a blunder.

Kiyotaka: "It's nothing. You'll understand after the quote." he swiftly returned to his natural expression.

Infinity: [Yeah, I want answers.]

Arisu: "It must Ayanokouji-kun."

Ryuuen: "Ayanokouji"

Horikita: "It's Ayanokouji-kun."

Infinity: [Correct. Answer is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.]

Class D: "Ehh? You really said it?"

Kesei: "Well, Horikita-san also answered Kiyotaka, so it's obvious that it will be the right answer."

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