Ichinose for the save

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(A/N: Hello!!! How are you guys doing? I am currently travelling, therefore I didn't get time to finish this chapter. Hope you don't mind. Enjoy the chapter.)

Infinity: [Let's move to our next quote.]

Ryuuen: "Show us something interesting, don't waste my time on these things."

Infinity: [How about I show something that involves you class?]

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, why not. Everything in my class is interesting."

Arisu: "I suppose that is true."

Kanzaki: "Yeah, everyone in your class do cheap tricks, it may be interesting for you."

Ryuuen: "That is called checking to which extent rules can be bent. Do you think if I would have broken rules, I would be sitting here?"

Horikita: "I also don't like your cheap tricks but I cannot deny that they are always at the borderline of rules."

Kiyotaka: "Horikita, is that really you?"

Sudou: "This guy this terrible. You shouldn't take his side, Suzune."

Horikita: "Yeah, it's me, Ayanokouji-kun. Do you think otherwise? And I am not taking anyone's side, I'm just stating the facts, Sudou"

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, you have become a finer women, Suzune."

Kiyotaka: "I am the one behind that." everyone class D, Ichinose, Sakayanagi

Ryuuen: "Kukuku, I suppose that's true."

Sudou: "Wh-What? Is that true?"

Horikita: "Hmm...Yes, even if it is irritating the way he says it, it's true."

*Sad Sudou noise*

(A/N: I truly didn't wanted to do this... okay, only a little, alright. I admit it, I admit it, I am Kiyo simp and no women can be in other relationship when she is in contact with Kiyo. Don't hate me.)

Kanzaki: "I still don't agree with Ryuuen's methods, I believe in winning fair and square. Even if I have to plan, it will still not be despicable like you."

Ryuuen: "Alright, alright Mr. chivalrous."

(A/N: I know chivalrous is mainly used when talking about behaviour towards women, but I don't know the exact word for here. If someone know the exact word, tell me I will change. So please be understanding. You understand what I am trying to say, right?)

Kei: "I wonder what you did to her, Kiyotaka." she said with a smile which doesn't reach her eyes.

Kiyotaka: 'She looks angry and will probably not keep quite until I tell her.'

I leaned towards Kei and whispered in her ears.

Kiyotaka: "Nothing sort of what I did to you."

Kei blushed remembering what happened on the cruise ship.

Chiaki POV

Chiaki: 'Why does Karuizawa-san looks angry when Horikita-san said it's true?'

Ayanokouji-kun leans towards Karuizawa-san and whispers something to her and she becomes red instantly.

Chiaki: 'What the hell did he say? I somewhat believed him what he said in Keyaki mall, but seeing them talking them so much friendly, I think he lied to me'

Chiaki: "When did you became so close, Ayanokouji-kun, Karuizawa-san?"

Kei: 'Shit, I forgot that Matsushita-san was on the other side of Kiyotaka.'

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