chapter 1

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Tom's pov

Humans, such intelligent creatures able to do anything, but in the process of building cities they destroy other creatures homes and natural habitats.

For an example polar bears, they are supposed to be in the north pole, but with us as the dominant species on this earth most of them got hunted and butchered for they warm fur and, let us not forget climate change that WE brought.

I sighed, sitting in my room, the room was blue with a bed, closet, and of course my desk which has my notebooks and drawing of different animals, and my personal laptop.

It was a boring day, I for starters start doing some research on mythical creatures in all honesty I don't believe in some horse with a horn sticking out of they're head, but when I got deeper I started to see creatures- or things I never heard of the names are weird too, one of them caught my eyes.

" Dødsgang? " I whispered to myself.

From what the website said, Dødgangs- or Death walkers are the wings of death in Norse mythology, a completely black body with a Green Emerald Boa head, two sets of horns the first one is a little craved black horn, the second one goes all the way to the back of the head like a Bighorn Ram also black, the mane of a African lion, two sets of wings the first is a Andean Condor's the second is a Harpy Eagle's, the front paws are a grizzly bear paws, the hind legs look like a Rocky Mountain Elk, the tail's is like a Long-eared jerboa's and of course two sets of eyes.

" Wow, that's a lot of creatures. " I said, I quickly scrolled down to find the abilitys and to my surprise turns out they can't swim and they will die of any kind of seafood, I giggled a little before reading the second sentence.

Before I could read the first sentence I heard a knock on my door, I slightly jumped I quickly comed myself down, I got up and went to the door opening it and there stood Dan, my boyfriend.

" Tom! " He smiled at me, Dan has been my boyfriend for a month now, he's really nice and likes nature that's one of the things I like about him, he has dark brown hair with blonde on the tips hazel eyes and tan smooth skin he's wearing a green turtleneck sweater and black jeans under his white lab coat, he's a professional vet.

On the other hand I just got my blue hoodie and black jeans.

" Dan " I quickly replied smiling a bit, he looked at my room and then at me. " can I come in? " He asked. " Yeah sure " I give permission. He smiled and walked pass me and sit on my bed, I closed the door and sit on my desk turning my laptop off.

He looked at the room awkwardly fiddling with his fingers, we stood there silently not knowing what to do, then Dan asked " what were you doing on you'r laptop? " I looked at him " o-oh, nothing just getting emails ready for tomorrow's meeting " I lied I can't just tell him I was looking at weird looking creatures that probably doesn't even exist.

Dan took a deep breath before saying " listen, Scoot said maybe you could get out and see the world again, and like move on? He's been dead for 4 years now.." I rolled my dark eyes.

" I'm fine, I don't need a walk to cheer me up "

Time Skip

That's the last thing I said before getting forced to go on a ' walk ' .

I was in the middle of the north pole which is were the camp is, were there's warm fire and wi-fi, not out here we're there's no signs of wild life exact for plants and micro-animals that have survived all the harsh climate change affects.

The strange thing about this freezing forest is that sometimes you can hear whispers and blood red eyes, people back at the camp say there's a Wendigo in all honesty I think that too, I mean what else can speak like humans do and live in dark forests?

I was walking cautiously around the forest It was freezing thick snow was covering the land, I had my notebook ready and a camera in case I couldn't see it properly, all of a sudden l heard something like if someone's eating, I peeked around a tree and oh my goodness there stood the biggest White Tailed Buck I ever saw in my life.

I quickly open my notebook but when I looked at the Buck he had completely black fur the antlers were a deep shape of red and the eyes are a glowing red with the pupils were sharp and green? That's when I realized that he wasn't eating grass he was chowing on a Valley Coyote carcass I don't think that coyote is even dead.

I slowly closed my notebook and but it in my back bag, when I looked back at the location the... ' Buck ' was at I couldn't see him anymore this is the worst day of my life it could be the last too, nothing is gonna happen I'm just getting my stuff and leaving.

That's when I felt someone breath blowing on my hair, I slowly turned towards the breathing only to be meet by same ' Buck ' he stared right back at my soul, I pushed my back on the tree behind me.

I closed my eyes shut not wanting to see the horrifying death of me.

I waited for a few minutes

But when I opened my eyes I didn't meet the gates of heaven but instead the same forest, I didn't see any signs of that thing oh, I'm sure as shit ain't going back here, I quickly took my back bag and camera and made a run for it.

As soon as I entered the camp site I ran to Dan's room slamming the door open making him jump out of his bed and look at me " what the fuck Tom?! You scared the living shit outta me!" He yelled at me I quickly open my notebook and showed him the ' buck ' I saw in the woods " there's a god damn Wendigo in the fucking woods! " I yelled back, Dan looked at me then at notebook then back again at me.

" Are you serious right now? " He began
" Is this some kind of sick joke? Because if it is then it's not funny to scare someone y'know? " He turned around and sit back on the bed continuing his work.

He doesn't believe me?

I took my notebook and put it back in my back bag and went to my room.

" He doesn't believe me.. "

First chapter is out! Hope you enjoyed it :)

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