Chapter 2

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The next day, Duststar howled for the clan to gather. Lightkit sat with Hailshade and Thunderpelt below the Cold Rock. He stifled a yawn as he looked up at the sky. It was clear, allowing sun-high to shine bright. He let himself lean in his mother's soft fur.
Russetkit was still stuck in the medicine den. Her wounds needed more care due to her age. Snowpaw still had a scar from the falcon. She was sitting with Thornpaw and Whitepaw. Lakebranch watched proudly, his tail twined with Pebbleheart's.
"I, Duststar of IcyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has worked hard to understand your noble code and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn." The leader started. "Snowpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." Snowpaw dipped her head at her mother.
"Then, by the powers of StarClan, I grant you your warrior name. Snowpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Snowfeather, for your kindness and patience, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IcyClan."
"Snowfeather! Snowfeather!" The clan cheered. Snowfeather quickly eyed her father, Featherleg. They trotted towards the gorse tunnel to go on their walk.
The clan dispersed back to their duties. Lightkit trotted into the medicine den with Hailshade. Russetkit was resting in a moss bed. Her talon wounds had dressing on them.
"Russetkit! How are you feeling?" Hailshade gave her daughter a lick on the head.
"I'm alright." She mewed. "But Mousefire says I can't play until I'm fully healed."
"Aww." Lightkit huffed. "Moss-ball is boring without you."
"I'm sure you could find another game to play that doesn't involve moving." Hailshade budded in. "Maybe you two could play the bush game?"
"You mean the game where you have to sit still and the last cat not moving wins?" Russetkit asked. "That sounds so boring!"
"Pebbleheart and I were obsessed with that game when we were kits. Our mother liked it too." She purred at her memories with her littermate. The black and grey queen peered behind her, watching Hawktooth trot out of the gorse tunnel.
"Have fun!" She hurried out of the den, avoiding her clan mate's gazes.
"I got an idea!" Lightkit purred. "How about I describe some of our clan mates, and you have to guess who I'm talking about!"
"Now that sounds fun!" Russetkit squeaked.
"Alright!" Lightkit took a moment to think of a cat. "This cat is grey, with an even greyer muzzle!"
"Hmm... Shadowberry?" Russetkit guessed.
"Yes!" Her brother mewed. "Now, I'm thinking of a cat whose belly has kits in it!"
"Easy! It's Squirreldust." The ginger she-kit said. The two kits played this game for a while. It was now falling-sun.
"Okay, I'm thinking of a cat who got her warrior name today." Lightkit quizzed.
"Snowpaw!" Russetkit replied.
"Yes! But what's her warrior name?" The white kit questioned.
"Umm... Snowflight? No, Snowfeather!" Russetkit giggled. "I heard the ceremony from here."
"I wonder what our warrior names will be." Lightkit mewed.
"I want mine to be something cool! Like Russettalon, or Russetscar!" She purred. "Since Stormshrew says I'll have a scar, I want to be named after it!"
Lightkit began to think about his warrior name. His thoughts were interrupted by a howl of rage and grief.
"Hailshade, how dare you?!" Featherleg spat. Lightkit and Russetkit peered out of the medicine den. Hailshade was being shoved into the clearing by Featherleg. Snowfeather was dragging in a lump of brown fur, stained with red liquid.
"Is that Hawktooth?" The she-kit questioned. "Why is she asleep?"
"She must've gotten tired and taken a nap." Lightkit mewed.
"What in StarClan happened?!" Duststar hissed in utter shock.
"Hailshade killed Hawktooth!" Snowfeather's voice shook. "I watched the whole thing!"
"Well you weren't supposed to!" The black queen snarled. She tried to lunge at the new warrior, but she was held back my Featherleg and Alderstrike.
"Hailshade, you killed my deputy?" Duststar thrusted her muzzle in her face.
"She was going to steal Thunderpelt! I had to stop her!" Hailshade growled, her claws still red and unsheathed.
"What?" Thunderpelt stormed over. "Hailshade, I only loved you, not Hawktooth. We were never more than friends."
"But the elders said-" Her protest were cut off by Thunderpelt' as angry yowl.
"You killed a cat because of elder gossip?!" His ginger pelt bristled. "I thought you were smarter then that!" He bared his fangs, hurt clear in his eyes. "I loved you, Hailshade. But you've betrayed both me and this clan. What about our kits?"
Hailshade's gaze revealed both anger and hurt. Her eyes then drifted towards Squirreldust, who was shaking her head.
"Hailshade, you were my she-cat. We'd always hang out as apprentices." She started. "But this is messed up. I thought you were better than this." She then stalked back to the nursery.
"Hailshade, you have broken the warrior code and killed your clanmate." Duststar started. "You are now exiled from IcyClan! If we see you on our territory, we will not hesitate to attack."
The queen's dark pelt bristled. She bared her fangs at her former clan before storming out of camp.
"Before Hawktooth's vigil begins, I want to appoint a new deputy." The silver leader quickly added. "Lakebranch, you've always been loyal and kind, I want you to be IcyClan's next deputy."
"I accept." The blue-grey tom dipped his head.
"Then, Lakebranch shall be the new deputy of IcyClan." The clan mewed their congrats before gathering around Hawktooth's body, hanging their heads low. Lightkit's eyes drifted towards Thunderpelt, who was grooming his dead friend's pelt.
"Thunderpelt?" Russetkit padded forward, Lightkit close behind. "Where did Hailshade go?"
"Oh, my sweet little kits," Thunderpelt's voice shook with grief as he wrapped his tail around them. "Hailshade did a very bad thing. She broke the warrior code. She won't be coming back." He struggled to find the right words.
"So she can't take care of us anymore?" Lightkit huffed.
"I will take care of you two." He pressed his kits closer to him. "I'll move into the nursery and share a nest with you two. I'll tell you all the nursery tales I know and teach you ever game I played. I promise I'll take care of you."

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