Chapter 15

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Another moon had passed since Leafwing, Adderpelt, and Flowermask were made warriors. Lightclaw was out on the moor with Icepaw and the sun was near setting. A blackbird was mindlessly pecking at the snow on the ground, unaware of the predators stalking it. Icepaw crept closer until she was just in pouncing distance. She jumped, sinking her claws into its wings. The blackbird cawed and thrashed, but before it could escape, Icepaw landed a devastating blow on its spine, killing it.

"Great job, Icepaw!" Lightclaw mewed. "Now, let's head back to camp. I think it might snow more soon," The tom added.

"W-wait!" Icepaw ran in front of him, blocking his path. She seemed a bit panicked. "I, er, wanna keep hunting, please." She put on a smile, but it looked forced.

"I'm glad you're so enthusiastic, but it's getting dark and cold. I don't want us to get sick." Lightclaw reasoned. 

"Uh, well," Icepaw's eyes darted around before she touched her nose to Lightclaw's shoulder and started running. "Tag! You're it!"She yelled before running.

"Icepaw!" Lightclaw groaned. He followed the trail of feathers she left behind from the blackbird. Soon enough, the blackbird feathers led to a trail of flower petals. Flower petals? In the middle of leaf-bare? Lightclaw's head tilted. He switched to following the petals, curiosity getting the best of him. They led to a large rock, surrounded by picked flowers. On the rock stood Snowfeather. She held a yellow pansy in her jaws. The colors of the sunset reflected off her pelt. Lightclaw was too in awe to speak. 

"Surprise!" She purred, stepping off the rock and approaching Lightclaw. 

"Y-you did all this? For me?" Lightclaw's jaw was still dropped. 

"Well, I got a little help from Adderpelt, Icepaw, and Russetheart," She smiled. "Do you like it?"

"I love it! It's so beautiful!" Lightclaw beamed.

"And you're beautiful," Snowfeather added. "Lightclaw, you've been my best friend and biggest supporter for so long. I care about you so much. Lightclaw, will you make me the happiest cat in the forest, and be my mate?" 

Lightclaw didn't even hesitate. "Yes! Yes, of course, I will!" He felt the pansy being placed behind his ear. Snowfeather's tail twined with his. He leaned into her soft fur, breathing in the flower scent that rubbed off of her. Then, happy purrs came from nearby. 

"Russetheart, Icepaw, Adderpelt, you guys can go now," Snowfeather mewed light-heartedly. The three of them stepped out from behind a gorse bush. Were they watching the whole time? The three of them, smirking and eyeing each other, started to walk back to camp. "Sorry, they insisted on watching to see how it went."

"It's alright, I don't mind as long as I'm with you," Lightclaw leaned closer, feeling warm despite the snow surrounding them. They stayed like that for a little bit, until the sun was nearly gone.

"I guess we should head back before everyone gets worried," Snowfeather finally broke the silence.

"Yeah, I guess," Though Lightclaw felt disappointed they couldn't stay like that, the cold was beginning to nip at his pelt. It was best they went back. As they approached the gorse tunnel, a commotion was erupting from camp. Snowfeather and Lightclaw glanced at each other before quickening their paces. When they ducked back into camp, Fuzzyleap and Flamefoot's pelts were bristling with anxiety, sitting outside the medicine den. Rainkit peeked her head out of the nursery, her ears folded back.

"What's going on?" Snowfeather asked, her own tail starting to fluff. 

"Owlkit was coughing and passed out," Petalfur, who was sitting nearby, answered. "Stormshrew is trying to wake him up, but he's not getting up," The pale she-cat added.

"Oh, my poor kit, he's too young to die," Fuzzyleaf was on the verge of hyperventilating. Flamefoot looked just as terrified, yet didn't say anything.

"Fuzzyleaf, we don't need you passing out too," Finchlight approached his sister, smoothing her fur with his tail. The gorse tunnel rustled again and Lightclaw turned his head to see. Crowsong and Onetail were ushering Thistlesong back into camp. Thistlesong's parents have been making him take a walk with them at least once a day. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.

"Mother, Father, are you okay?" Onetail's head tilted as he entered, seeing Flamefoot and Fuzzyleaf freaking out. 

"Owlkit passed out from coughing," Lightclaw repeated what he had just heard. 

"It's okay, sweetheart," Alderstrike approached, wrapping her tail around Fuzzyleaf. "Stormshrew has saved many cats before, I'm sure he'll be able to help Owlkit," The reddish-brown warrior mewed softly.

"I doubt it," Thistlesong growled. "That horrible excuse for a medicine cat can't even follow the code. What makes you think he's able to save a half-dead kit?"

"He's not half-dead!" Fuzzyleaf sprang up snarling. 

"Thistlesong, your kin is sick," Crowsong turned to her son. "You will not say things like that when your family is dealing with this!"

"How do I even know you're my family?" Thistlesong's tone turned from angry to upset. "What if you're not my real mother? What if I wasn't even born here!"

"Yeah, because I faked giving birth to you and Nettlepaw," Crowsong snorted impatiently. 

"What if you found me near the Smogpath? Or took me from the twolegplace? How could I know if you're my real family?" Thistlesong hissed, swallowing back whimpers.

"Thistlesong, you're being ridiculous. You look just like Crowsong. How could she not be your mother?" Onetail stepped in. "You've been grieving this damn thing for moons! Blood isn't everything, Thistlesong."

"But those three don't even talk to me anymore!" Lightclaw's former mentor adverted his gaze to Adderpelt, Leafwing, and Flowermask. The three of them awkwardly rotated their regard elsewhere.

"Because all you do is mope around your nest! We've had to drag your ass out of your nest for the past moon! We've had to groom your pelt and practically force-feed you!" Crowsong's grey pelt spiked. "You're not a kit anymore, we shouldn't have to treat you like one! How are you supposed to be there for three other cats when you can't even be there for yourself?"

"Just... just shut up!" Thistlesong's ears folded back before he retreated to the warrior's den. There was a tense silence that hung in the air. The clan had dispersed as the sun nearly disappeared from the sky. 

"So, er," Snowfeather began, "Sorry, I, with what just happened, I," The spotted warrior couldn't quite verbalize her thoughts. "Um, do you wanna share a nest tonight?" She managed to spit out.

"Of course!" Lightclaw gave a sweet smile to try to lighten the mood. There was still heavy tension in the air, between Thistlesong's outburst and Owlkit's sickness. But Lightclaw still found himself quite tired. He let himself sink into Snowfeather's nest and drift off beside her.

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